Kell Tells All About Phillip & Boston Rob

Kristina Kell became the third Survivor to be sent home from Survivor Redemption Island, but she called in to spend a few minutes with Rob Cesternino and Nicole on Rob Has a Podcast. On this podcast, Kristina talks about:

Danielle DiLorenzo on Phillip Sheppard, Boston Rob and the cast of Survivor Redemption Island
Click the picture above to hear our entire episode recap with Danielle DiLorenzo.

– Her relationship with Phillip Sheppard and what life around camp was really like with Phillip.

– What it was like going head to head with Boston Rob.

– What took place on Redemption Island that we didn’t get to see on the show.

Its everything you want to know from the person who got kicked off Survivor… it’s Rob has a Podcast.


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