Evolution of Strategy: Chapter 2 Feedback | Survivor: The Australian Outback

This page is designed for all of your feedback from Chapter 2 of The Evolution of Strategy from Survivor: The Australian Outback

Feel free to weigh in on what you think Josh and I got right or wrong, your thoughts on the points we brought up and anything else you think is relevant to our discussion of Survivor Borneo in the Evolution of Strategy.

For future use you can comment on any of our chapters with the following links:

RobHasAwebsite.com/TEOS1 (for the Borneo chapter)

RobHasAwebsite.com/TEOS2 (for Survivor: The Australian Outback)

We’ll use the same naming convention for all 30 chapters of The Evolution of Strategy.

The Evolution of Strategy: Volume 1

EvolutionOfStrategy.com – Get all 10 chapters of our first volume covering from Survivor: Borneo through Survivor: Palau in our Volume 1 of “The Evolution of Strategy”.  Each new season will be released on a Friday between now and the start of Survivor 30.  For 19.99 you’ll save $9 off purchasing the chapters individually.


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