Crime Seen | Episode 22: I Just Killed My Dad

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Crime Seen | Episode 22: I Just Killed My Dad

Crime Seen is a true crime review podcast that gets to the heart of how true crime stories are told. Join Mari Forth @MariTalks2Much and Sarah Carradine @sarahcarradine as they put true crime properties under the magnifying glass. In this episode they examine I JUST KILLED MY DAD (Skye Borgman, 2022). Watch it on Netflix. Joining them is Sarah D Bunting @bestevidencefyi

Was 17 year old Anthony Templet an emotionless sociopath, or was generational trauma and a failing system the impetus for his crime? How many magnifying glasses out of 5 will they rate I JUST KILLED MY DAD? Listen to find out. Or jump to the rating at about 59.56

Other documentaries by Skye Borgman: ABDUCTED IN PLAIN SIGHT (2017); DEAD ASLEEP (2021); GIRL IN THE PICTURE (2022) – listen to our recap and review with LaTonya Starks @lkstarks in episode 18 of Crime Seen
movie: I LOVE YOU TO DEATH (Lawrence Kasdan, 1990)
tv movie: HELTER SKELTER (Tom Gries, 1976) on Netflix DVD
documentary: UNTOLD: THE GIRLFRIEND WHO DIDN’T EXIST (Ryan Duffy & Tony Vainuku, 2022) on Netflix
podcast: CONNING THE CON (Evergreen Productions, 2021)
Jump to recommendations at about 1.02.03
For the article on the swatting attack on trans Twitch streamer Keffals go to

Listener discount: Sarah D Bunting has generously offered 15% off books & other materials at Exhibit B Books @ExhibitBBooks
Discount code XCS15 at checkout or

Next time on Crime Seen: TRAINWRECK: WOODSTOCK 99 with Chappell @Chappells_Show – watch it on Netflix. Trigger warning: uncensored footage of sexual assault.

Subscribe to the feed at to get the episodes a day early. You can follow the show @CrimeSeenRHAP on Twitter, or email CrimeSeenRHAP (at) gmail (dot) com with your feedback. Recommendations for properties to cover in future episodes are welcome there as well

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