180 Degrees of Coverage of Coach’s New Movie

Coach Ben Wade is starring in a new film called 180 and Rob has a Podcast has exclusive coverage of the film’s premiere.  Jeremiah Panhorst attended the 180 premiere this past Friday night and reports back to Rob and Nicole about his findings including:

– Was Coach Ben Wade at the premiere of his new movie this weekend?

– What did Danielle DiLorenzo have to say about working with her former Survivor Heroes vs Villains tribemate in the new film as well as sharing a love scene with Coach?

– What will the world’s first review of 180 be?  What did Jeremiah have to say about the film?


And as always, we love to hear your comments, so join the conversation and let us know what you think below or connect with us directly via twitter: @robcesternino and @nicoleluvsshoes

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Show Links:

Mad Men Podcast -A Mad Men podcast hosted by Jeremiah Panhorst

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