Claim To Fame Season 2 Premiere Recap

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Claim To Fame Season 2 Premiere Recap

Last summer we fell in love with Claim To Fame and we are so excited to be back to cover another season! Rob Cesternino and Jenny Autumn are ready to kick off season 2 with their recap of the premiere!  Subscribe to the Claim to Fame feed for recaps of all upcoming episodes!

In this episode, we meet the new 12 celebrity-adjacent contestants hoping to hide their identities for $100,000! The players participate in a talent show before two people are sent to the Guess-Off, and one is sent home.

Did you guess the eliminated player’s identity? Have you clocked anyone else? Let us know on Twitter by using #RHAP and tagging @RobHasAPodcast @RobCesternino @JennyAutumn

The show, hosted by Frankie and Kevin Jonas, inserts 12 celebrity relatives into a Big Brother-style house with one goal in mind: to conceal which celebrity they are related to. The person whose identity remains secret the longest wins bragging rights, and a tidy $100,000 prize. The 12 strangers will live together, form bonds and alliances, compete in challenges and more!

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