The Challenge

Challenge Season 36 Preview Podcast

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In a special offseason podcast, Brian and Ali are joined by Brian Scally and Matt Liguori to preview the new season of The Challenge.

In this podcast they each draft a team of those who they think won’t win the season. This is the scoring system they will be using for the season:

  • +2: not getting on the season
  • +2: non elimination loss removal (injury/fighting/etc)
  • +1: elimination loss
  • -1: elimination win
  • -1: making the final
  • +3: winning the season
  • +1 no confessionals in an episode

If you are spoiler averse and don’t want to go researching, here is the cast that is discussed:

Men Women
CT (18th season) Amber B (Rookie; Big Brother)
Cory (8th season) Amber M (Rookie; AYTO 8)
Darrell (9th season) Aneesa (14th season)
Mechie (Rookie; Ex on the Beach 3) Ashley (8th season)
Devin (5th season) Blonde Girl from the UK (Unknown)
Fessy (2nd season) Jenny (3rd season)
Joseph (Rookie; American Got Talent 14) Kaycee (2nd season)
Josh (4th season) Lolo (Rookie; Olympian)
Jay (2nd season) Kam (5th season)
Leroy (12th season) Natalie (Rookie; Survivor)
Kyle (6th season) Nicole (3rd season)
Lio Rush (Rookie; WWE) Nany (10th season)
Mark (Rookie; Big Brother) Liv (Rookie; Shipwrecked UK)
Nam (Ultimate BeastMaster) Theresa (7th season)
Nelson (7th season) Big T (3rd season)
Wes (14th season) Tori (5th season)


Hear everything that Brian and Ali have to say about this season by subscribing at so you don’t miss a single episode.

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