Survivor: Winners at War

Survivor Power Rankings | Winners at War Episode 9

Each week during Survivor: Winners at War, RHAP blogger Matt Liguori will rank the players to determine who is playing the best and worst games, alongside Survivor: Edge of Extinction contestants Victoria Baamonde and Gavin Whitson.

Survivor: Winners at War Power Rankings – Episode 9

Go flippin’ figure that after eight weeks of Power Rankings… two of which Victoria, Gavin, and myself all had Adam as the consensus bottom ranked player, Adam goes out this week when none of us had him in that spot.

Adam was probably never winning this game, but I can’t even tell you how much fun I had watching him play this time. Having been trapped with Ben all season, he really had no where to go to find new legitimate allies until the merge. But with the lions all sticking together, Adam’s options were limited and his style of gameplay this season was not working for just about anyone.

In other news, my favorite tribe ever (the Extinction crew) continues to provide award-winning content (literally any Amber, Natalie, or Parvati content is award-winning). So let’s get some more of that!

As always, make sure to follow the whole team on Twitter: @mattliguori, @veebaamonde, and @gavin_whitson.


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Scrolling all the way down for a Quick View of all our rankings side-by-side.

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10. Nick

I have no idea what Nick is going for here. This whiney attitude is the same he had the first time around and the only reason it worked is because he was sitting next to someone who didn’t need a million dollars or want to actually win. Nick still seems to be on the bottom and we’ve heard from just about all of the top dogs that they don’t trust him and want him out soon.





10. Sarah

C’mon Sarah, Survivor is NOT the place to give gifts. Nick was on the bottom! What are you doing girl?! It seems that everyone now has lost all trust in Sarah. She has painted a big ol’ waterproof target on her back, and I don’t see Tony stepping up to bat to save her if things get ugly.





10. Nick

I missed it last week, I thought Nick was going home. I will stick to my guns and say Nick is going to go home this week. I think this will be one of the last votes everyone can be on board for before the lines in the sand are drawn.


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9. Sarah

Sarah went from having a nice comfortable spot hidden behind Tony and Sophie to out-in-front for absolutely no reason. Sarah is one of the best winners out there and yet she slipped to have a “human moment” that could completely tank her game. It didn’t affect her this round, but it was a huge reminder that Sarah is always playing and nobody will forget that.





9. Nick

Nick was on a warpath, but I’m not sure how much that aggression helped him. He kind of seemed to be yelling into the wind. He still was a big target and remains on a lot of players’ lists to go home. I do think he has a chance to save himself by throwing Sarah under the bus.





9. Ben

I am putting Ben this low because I believe the guys are going to start going at each other this week and Ben is not only a social threat, but also a physical threat. I think if Nick wins immunity this week, Ben might be receiving some votes.


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8. Tyson

Tyson’s name is still coming up, as expected. While it’s impressive he’s made it two rounds so far, taking out big distractions like Adam probably isn’t going to help keep attention off of himself. I get that he wanted to save Sarah because the two of them are close, but it doesn’t seem like she has those same feelings towards him.





8. Michele

Michele didn’t get targeted this week.. someone she didn’t trust went home.. she’s poor now… and she listened to a cookie. She may have power in her new advantage, or she may have as much power as Adam’s Tribal Council idol. Time will tell.





8. Tyson

Tyson is a tricky one to rank because I know people aren’t going to want the Edge returnee going deep in the game just because they watched season 38 and saw how many people were cheering for the late great Rick Devens. I think it’s time Tyson starts looking for idols.


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7. Denise

Denise made it clear last week that she was fine seeing Adam go because he wasn’t necessarily an end-game ally. That may be true, but he was always going to be a vote in her corner. I wish we were seeing Denise connecting to more players, but for now she might be okay having Jeremy and Kim do all the legwork while she comes along for the ride. Really gotta keep an eye out on Tony though…





7. Ben

The highlight of Ben this week was his cat fight with Adam in the middle of Tribal Council while every single other player was having intense side conversations. Is Ben capable of having peripheral vision literally and metaphorically? Where will his focus go now that his rival is gone?





7. Tony

I am so proud of Tony this season. The man keeps evolving and proving that he is one of the best and most entertaining to ever play. His name still hasn’t been brought up, but as each week passes I know we’re getting closer and closer to the day where Tony’s reputation gets him sent home.


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6. Sophie

Anyone see Sophie this week? Me either! We saw Sophie working with Adam these past few rounds and while she did vote for him to go, I can’t help but still feel like she’s lost yet another possible number. Sophie seems right in the middle of the lions and hyenas, so she’s probably not in any danger this week unless something crazy happens.





6. Tyson

Tyson was right in the middle of the swirling plans. He had plans brought to him.. he changed the plans.. he got lied to by Nick.. he was part of it all. He never was much of a target though. Hoping we get more Tyson for weeks to come.





6. Sarah

Sarah is playing a great game right now. She should be higher on the list, but like Tony and Jeremy said… you can’t be giving up rewards. Little things like that gets you sent home, so this week we need a little more criminal Sarah and not Good Samaritan Sarah.


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5. Ben

Ben’s profile was raised a bit this week after his confrontation with Adam, but with Adam gone it’s probably Ben now in most people’s final 3 plans. He’s found himself a comfortable spot nestled in with some of the big players where they feel they can use him all the way to the end.





5. Denise

Denise wasn’t brought up this week as a threat after it seemed she would due to her big queen slaying reveal last week. The good news for Denise is she can hide in the chaos.





5. Denise

I believe Denise is in a better spot this week than she was last week. I was worried that her notoriety for taking out Sandra would catch up to her, but after last weeks paranoia before tribal I think she has managed to sneak away from any trouble.


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4. Kim

Immunity Queen! Besides breaking the U.S. record for overall immunity wins on the women’s side, Kim was pretty in control of the direction of the vote this week. She and Tyson seemed to be the ones who flipped this vote from Sarah to Adam, who Kim had absolutely no game relationship with.





4. Tony

Tony is still getting hyenas out, and is somehow the voice of reason right now? He got his way with Adam going home, and he shamed Sarah for being too emotional. Tony.. calling someone else too emotional and it makes sense. What an episode.





4. Kim

Kim has an idol that she can still use, but Kim also won immunity this week. This could be a reoccurring thing for her, but even if that doesn’t happen I believe the guys are going to start going for each other this week.


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3. Michele

Michele’s social ability continues to carry her along in another season of Survivor. No matter how far on the bottom she is, people want to work with her and want her around. Adam could’ve been a number for her, but the more hyenas that go that aren’t her, the closer she gets to sitting back and watching the lions go to war.





3. Jeremy

I feel like every single one of the 7 million plans that were made this week were brought to Jeremy. He sat in one spot, and everyone approached him with new plans. If that doesn’t spell out new godfather, I don’t know what does.





3. Michele

I’m putting Michele at #3 this week because she has the 50/50 idol which has a “chance” of saving her if she’s in trouble. Even without that, I think she’s found her way back to Jeremy and they can work together for the long haul. I believe Michele keeps having a large role in each episode for a reason, and that reason might be that she’ll be sitting at the final 3 when this is all over.


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2. Tony

I may as well just copy and paste my tweet from Wednesday night here. It’s all I need to say in regards to Tony. “That episode had a 5 minute scene where more than half the players’ names came up as an option for the vote…. and Tony Vlachos was not one of them. ——– How?” I’m just blown away.





2. Sophie

Sophie didn’t have much to say this episode, but when her name came up it was shot right back down, which I think is a testament to her social skills and relationships she’s built. Plus she has an idol. I hope Sarah being a target now won’t hurt Sophie’s idol secret.





2. Jeremy

I was worried about Jeremy last week after Wendell got sent home, but Jeremy found his way right back up top like he has been all season. It’s evident people want to work with Jeremy because he was being told every plan under the sun. Between that and having the most powerful advantage left in the game, Jeremy is sitting pretty.


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1. Jeremy

Seeing Jeremy’s work play out beautifully this week was so much fun. Having as many connections as he does allowed him to sit back at camp with all of his allies coming up to him to update him on the plan and put their thoughts together without him having to run around himself. I’m getting more and more nervous for Jeremy as the weeks go by… but I don’t think we’re at a breaking point just yet. He’s got Ben, Tony, and Tyson on one side… Kim and Denise on the other… and Michele still likely in his pocket.





1. Kim

Kim gets the #1 spot because she won immunity. What a freaking week to have it when everyone seemed to be on the line at one point or another.





1. Sophie

Sophie is playing a winning game right now and even though she lost a number in Adam, she still as an idol and is still playing sneaky enough to remain off everyone’s radars.


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