Survivor: Winners at War

Survivor Power Rankings | Winners at War Episode 6

Each week during Survivor: Winners at War, RHAP blogger Matt Liguori will rank the players to determine who is playing the best and worst games, alongside Survivor: Edge of Extinction contestants Victoria Baamonde and Gavin Whitson.

Survivor: Winners at War Power Rankings – Episode 6

I think I’m too sad to write anything. Last week’s results were not surprising, but they were still as crushing as expected. Parvati and Sandra going out back-to-back is such an interesting new piece of Survivor history. The new-schoolers have been dethroned one-by-one and it’s now a game for Yul and the new kids.

I’m ready for the merge, I’m ready for the Edge competition, and I’m ready for any and all EoE segments now that my favorites are pretty much all gathered up there.

Last week, I had Parvati at #11 while Gavin had her at #10. But Gavin forgetting about Sandra’s idol seemed to work out just fine for him as Sandra was his #13 and I had her all the way at #4, because of course I did.

Victoria’s back this week! We’re down to 12 Winners left in the main game, but a merge and re-entry must be very close…

As always, make sure to follow the whole team on Twitter: @mattliguori, @veebaamonde, and @gavin_whitson.


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Scrolling all the way down for a Quick View of all our rankings side-by-side.

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12. Adam

I feel the need to reiterate that I’m a very big fan and supporter of Adam, which is why it really sucks that I feel the need to put him at the bottom of my rankings every week. Credit to him that despite being down here so often, he’s still in the game. It seems like right now Ben is better connected to the women. But Adam doesn’t give up and I have no reason to believe he’ll start now.





12. Adam

Even though Adam’s tribe won immunity this week, he’s in a pretty bad spot in the game. He doesn’t have an alliance on this tribe and he wasn’t in an alliance on his old tribe. His connections are limited and people actively don’t trust him. A merge can be his saving grace if he plays the “anybody but me” game.





12. Adam

Adam found himself on the wrong tribe. The other three seem to be clicking, which means Adam may be having a reunion with his good friend Boston Robert very soon.


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11. Wendell

I’m ranking Wendell this low because he really exposed himself at this last Tribal. Yul and Nick must have opened their eyes to see the kind of game Wendell is really looking to play, and if they lose again I think those guys could easily keep Michele around and let Wendell head off to build a new shelter on the Edge. Super sloppy gameplay.





11. Jeremy

Jeremy was put in a tough position this week. He had to cast a vote for his only alliance member just to make himself part of the numbers. Then, in a twist of fate, after casting his vote for Denise, she protects him and sends home Sandra. I’m not sure where this will land Jeremy next week. Will he be able to work with Denise again? He still has his safety advantage by leaving tribal, so he should be safe in a worst-case scenario.





11. Tony

I just hope Tony’s tribe doesn’t go to Tribal. I need more clips of spy shacks, makeshift ladders and Tony running amuck in the woods.


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10. Ben

While it looks like Ben is mingling well with Sophie and Sarah, he still stays low in the rankings because it’s too hard to be sure about him, ever.





10. Michele

Even after trying to make some inroads with Wendell, Michele has fallen short. She has alienated him further by telling him she wanted to vote for him to gain fire tokens. She lost her ally in Parvati, but if a merge is approaching, she still has Jeremy on the other side and four fire tokens, which ought to mean something eventually…





10. Wendell

Wendell will be public enemy number one this week, whether his tribe loses or not. I think it’ll be hard for Wendell to regain traction after last week’s Tribal, but if anyone can regain traction it’s Wendell. Stop hating on my dude for playing the game. Love ya, Wendell!


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9. Michele

Michele is extremely vulnerable right now. Her connection to Wendell probably could’ve saved her (at the next vote) if not for the fact that she just wrote his name down. She asked if she could… he said he’d rather she didn’t… but she did it anyways. Four fire tokens in your pocket heading towards a merge is pretty huge.





9. Wendell

Tough edit this week for Wendell. Villian Wendell is new… asking for fire tokens, acting like he’s in charge. He almost blew up his spot by telling Parv he would potentially vote with her for a price. In the end he got his way, but with Nick questioning how trustworthy he is, things could change. In Nick’s words, Wendell’s a hidden threat.





9. Kim

Tyson called it and now one-by-one the big names have gone down. Kim’s saving grace is Tony, but it’s only fitting he goes next if their tribe loses.


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8. Tony

Losing his #2 in the game is a pretty big blow, but Tony just needs to get past one more vote and he’ll be (probably) reunited with his Cops-R-Us partner. With Tony connecting to Kim and Sarah solidifying her bond with Sophie, that Dakal group is going to be a very scary threat come merge time. Did I just say “Tony” and “merge” in the same sentence? Yeah, this is exciting.





8. Tony

Good ol’ Tony is back. He couldn’t hold it in any longer.. he HAD to make a spy shack. Even though Tony was in the numbers, he was so paranoid that he disappeared in the jungle for hours, really only hurting himself. It was pretty hilarious that Sandra knew exactly where not to talk for fear of spy shacks. He’s going to have to tone it down again if he wants people to continue to work with him.





8. Ben

Ben’s social game will be key this week. It’s evident he’s connecting with Sarah and Sophie. Just like Ben said in the season premiere, he’s showcasing his social game this season and that’s what’s going to keep him from going to the Edge this week.


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7. Kim

Kim writing Denise’s name down was so painful to watch. I get why she went with Sandra and Tony, but Denise would’ve been loyal. Kim still has a chance to make things right and I hope things work out between them because Kim can’t rely on Tony alone to help her out from this point.





7. Kim

Kim had been in the numbers this week with Sandra and Tony. Now that Sandra is gone, I question how well she’ll be able to reign Tony back in. Come merge time, she should be able to slip through the cracks for some time.





7. Michele

Michele’s back was against the wall and with Parv now gone, she probably feels like she’s next to go. But to me that means she is definitely not going this week. Doubt always sets in and this will allow Michele to find cracks and keep moving forward.


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6. Yul

A very strange time for Yul to go quiet, but he is still there and positioned well.





6. Nick

I was kind of hoping we’d see Nick shake things up this week and align with the ladies (not that that really would have benefitted him) but it would have been fun to watch. Nick is staying safe with his original alliance despite Michele and Parv doing a good job instilling some doubt in Nick about how trustworthy Wendell is. Maybe a big move is in the cards for Nick soon.





6. Nick

Nick and Yul will realize their games could’ve ended last round, and now they’ll join forces with Michele and spearhead the merge together.


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5. Nick

Nick and Yul have control over the vote on Sele in the same way Sarah and Sophie do on Yara. Nick is somehow seemingly at the very top of the decision making.





5. Ben

Ben has become very close with Sophie and Sarah and has distanced himself from Adam. I really don’t know where Ben’s strategic game is, but as of now he’s not a target and has some numbers. Personally, I think my love for Ben that I’m sending from my couch will be all the protection he needs.





5. Yul

I cannot wait to see Yul’s brain work this week. Luckily for him, Parvati didn’t cave and work with Wendell, but Yul and Nick’s games could’ve ended right before their eyes. I don’t think Yul will let that opportunity happen again.


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4. Sarah

Not much news to report on other than Sarah’s Game Changers ally now out of the game, while she and Sophie still have their tribe on lock.





4. Sarah

On the winning tribe this week, Sarah remains in a good position. She helped eliminate the godfather and now she has friends in Soph and Ben. She also still has her other half of Cops-R-Us alive in the game.





4. Denise

What a superstar. If Denise wasn’t seen as a “big name player” before, she just earned herself a statue on Island of Idols 2. The only downside to last week is Denise wasted an idol on Jeremy. But this should buy her some respect in the game and hopefully Jeremy will have her back for weeks to come.


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3. Sophie

Sandra leaving the game feels similar to Natalie leaving the game when it comes to Sophie. Both women were big targets, both of whom Sophie definitely wanted out at some point… but other people keep taking care of the job for her.





3. Sophie

Sophie has flexed her muscles by slaying her targets and being key in the end of challenges. She’s in a good spot on her tribe having become close with Sarah and Ben, and her original alliance is intact on the other side.





3. Sarah

Similar to Sophie, they are in charge of their tribe and now they have the power to choose between picking Adam or Ben. (They will pick Ben.)


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2. Jeremy

Jeremy didn’t do a whole lot to put himself in this top 3, but by process of elimination he’s looking good. Denise played that idol on him to solidify their bond and I’m sure she’s not the type of person to take his vote against her personally; she would’ve done the same thing if she didn’t have that crazy move. Now it’ll be Jeremy and Denise in the tight position on their tribe just like Nick & Yul or Sarah & Sophie.





2. Yul

Yul has been blessed by the Survivor gods in this tribe swap. What luck to be split with your core alliance! He’s had quiet power this whole game and no one is even considering him.





2. Sophie

Sophie is still in charge with Sarah at their tribe’s camp. The only reason Sophie is ahead of Sarah at this point is the simple fact an idol > the steal a vote advantage.


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1. Denise

Duh. Denise Stapley is the only option for the top spot this week. If this were the 3-2-1 format, Denise would have the top 3 all to herself. Denise pulled off a historic, epic move this week and took out the one player all 19 others in the game were gunning for without a doubt. The last time Sandra got voted out, one of those votes (Sarah) won the game; this time Denise was the one and only vote for Sandra… so take that for what you will.





1. Denise

AND THE QUEEN SLAYS QUEEN. I’m sorry I slept on Denise. She just made the biggest move of the game and I’m SO impressed. Her lowkey appearance up until this point set the stage perfectly for her to be perceived as a non-factor by Sandra. I wish she didn’t waste an idol on Jeremy but of course I know why she had to. My only worry for Denise now is she’s going to be perceived as a bigger threat, and she no longer has any protections. Hopefully Jeremy wants to work with her.





1. Jeremy

Jeremy is back at #1 yet again. Not only did he have an idol played for him, he also still has the best advantage in the game.


» Quick View «










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