Survivor: Winners at War

Survivor Power Rankings | Winners at War Episode 5

Each week during Survivor: Winners at War, RHAP blogger Matt Liguori will rank the players to determine who is playing the best and worst games, alongside Survivor: Edge of Extinction contestants Victoria Baamonde and Gavin Whitson.

Survivor: Winners at War Power Rankings – Episode 5

It sure is tough to be surprised by that Tribal Council result! Boston Rob lasting five episodes this season already feels like more than any of us expected, and now his story will continue over on the Edge. Rob and Amber reuniting on a Survivor beach is exactly why we had both of them back this season. While the first few weeks featured the duo playing entirely different games, they’re now in this together. Any future tasks or challenges will surely be a tag-team effort and I’m very excited to see the All Stars sweethearts reunited.

Last week Gavin had Rob ranked the lowest at #15. I had him one spot above at #14, and Victoria one spot above that at #13!

Victoria wasn’t able to make it this week. It’s been a crazy few days since the last episode so I’m just happy even Gavin and I were able to put something together. (Vic’s fine! Should be good to go next week.)

As always, make sure to follow the whole team on Twitter: @mattliguori, @veebaamonde, and @gavin_whitson.


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Scrolling all the way down for a Quick View of all our rankings side-by-side.

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14. Ben

Having voted out Boston Rob, Ben and Adam bought themselves a 50% chance at being the next one out from Yara. Ben might’ve had some connection with Sarah, but taking Ben out right before the merge when more idols are going to come into play is a solid move. He’s unpredictable and I’m sure Adam will tell the women how “tight” Ben is with Denise, Jeremy, and Michele.





14. Adam

Adam came to play this season, but I believe his time will be coming to an end this week if his tribe attends Tribal. Adam is seen as more of a schemer than Ben and ultimately that will be part of his downfall.


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13. Adam

That 50% chance to go home next (with another immunity loss) isn’t too great of odds. What left is there for Adam in this season? His game right now is that tooth hanging on by a thread when you were 8… more than ready to fall out but somehow still attached. The only reason he’s higher than Ben is because Sophie proposed “you [Adam], me, and Sarah… we could be something” last week, indicating she’s got more trust in him moving forward than Ben.





13. Sandra

I believe the Queen’s throne is about to be moved to the Edge of Extinction. I believe one of Tony’s advantages to staying over Sandra will be the ability to perform in challenges.

Note from the editor: Yes, Gavin forgot about Sandra’s idol! 😛


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12. Tony

Advantagegeddon awaits, doesn’t it? Kim’s idol, Denise’s idol, Sandra’s idol, Jeremy’s safety without power… all lined up and ready to take down the guy who usually has his own bag of tricks. But no, surely it can’t end like this, can it?! Tony has been playing so well and impressively hidden himself amongst the crowd. I have faith in him to find a way out, but I can’t rank him any higher.





12. Ben

I’m putting Ben at the bottom because I believe the vote out will be between him and Adam for the Yara tribe, though I do feel Adam will be the one going home. I see Sarah wanting to work with Ben over Adam for the long haul.


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11. Parvati

Things aren’t getting much better for Parvati. She’s on a tribe with only one ally, surrounded by three boys working tightly together. The Yul reconnection was fun, but it seems those two have had very little contact over the years and he won’t be enough to keep her safe. The bright side is they’re a very strong tribe, and probably the favorite to not lose the next immunity challenge.





11. Tony

We are getting to the portion of the game where I see Tony becoming more of a threat every day. I believe Tony will be going to tribal this week and it’s just a matter of whether they want to vote out Tony or the only two time winner. Either way I will be very sad.

Note from the editor: Sandra’s idol!!!


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10. Jeremy

Jeremy and Denise should be able to get Kim on their side. Sandra and Tony were never great to Kim back at Dakal, but if Kim decides she wants to move forward in the way of big threats sticking together, she’ll side with Tony and Sandra. Jeremy and Denise are great players to link up with, but they are lesser threats overall and Kim will stand out amongst them come merge.





10. Parvati

I believe Parv will go before Michelle just due to threat level. Parv does have four fire tokens, which might come in handy if someone sends an advantage her way.


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9. Denise

Denise Stapley linking up with Kim Spradlin is what dreams are made of. It’s an alliance you thought you could only dream about but it might be coming to life. I want to see that pair go into the merge together, but if Tony finds a way to survive it’ll likely be at the expense of either Denise or Jeremy.





9. Michele

Michele is playing a great game right now. The only reason she’s found herself at the bottom half of the rankings this week is due to her appearing to be on the wrong side of the numbers.


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8. Kim

Hey now, here’s the jump in rankings I’ve been waiting for! Kim is finally in a more comfortable position, no longer on the bottom. Both sides need her desperately and she should be able to control the next vote. Things could get flipped and maybe someone has the idea to just vote her out instead of letting her decide, but Kim has an idol and you have to hope she’ll know if it needs to come out.





8. Wendell

My dude is just gonna keep kicking it ’til the merge. Like Wendell said, they are stacked and I think they will win out.


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7. Michele

Michele and Parvati may be outside the numbers, but Michele’s connections to the guys on this tribe can’t be ignored. Her history with Wendell speaks for itself and I imagine there’s also some connection with her and Nick as new-school recent winners. It’s hard to see the three guys coming together and voting Michele out when Parvati is an option.





7. Nick

Nick’s not in any danger with his new tribe… and even if he does go to Tribal, his high school crush would never vote him out, right??


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6. Nick

Nobody’s looking at Nick right now. He’s got his boys alliance on this new tribe and that’s really all he needs. The only thing that could mess with Nick’s game is if Parv or Michele find an idol. Parv may feel connected to Yul and obviously Michele and Wendell have a thing, so Nick could run into trouble there in the small possibility that happens.





6. Kim

Kim is slowly easing up the Power Rankings. Sometimes the swing vote is the best place to be and I think this spot will fair well for Kim this week. Also with an idol in her pocket, I think she’ll be safe no matter how the votes fall.


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5. Wendell

It seems unlikely that any of Wendell, Nick, or Yul would turn on each other. Wendell should be safe for now, but he really needs to bridge the gap between himself and the women. Michele and Parv will be key connections to have at a merge. Build bonds, not shelters!





5. Denise

I’m happy to see Denise and Jeremy working together. Denise was able to build a great bond with Kim, which could save her and Jeremy without either of them even needing to use their advantages.


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4. Sandra

With an idol in her pocket that’s still good for one more round, Sandra seems to be safe. As Rob C has said, the Queen isn’t one to let a good coupon go to waste. If her tribe loses this week, she’ll have safety for herself and just need to worry about keeping Tony safe from advantagegeddon.





4. Yul

The definition of calm, cool, and collected. I believe Yul’s tribe is stacked and as Wendell said, I think they will win out.


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3. Yul

Things could not have gone better for Yul, and after his first 12 days in the game were impressive on their own… he’s looking very good here. Yul’s story this week was less about the game and more about his relationship with Penner and his wife Stacy. I’m so glad we had that moment and the money raised since last Wednesday night is incredible.





3. Sarah

Sarah is playing a great social game this season. It’s becoming more evident how she managed to do so well in Game Changers. Even though everyone seemed to want her out in pre-game, Sarah seems like one of the only people everyone is wanting to work with.


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2. Sophie

Sophie got swap screwed and the history books will forget that because Sophie found a way out of it and came out on top. Sophie and Sarah’s patience and reads of the boys took them a long way. Add in the idol she found and Sarah’s vote-steal, these two are pretty unstoppable at this stage in the game. It feels likely that they’ll go to Tribal again this week, but we can be pretty sure neither of them are going home.





2. Jeremy

Jeremy is trying to find the weak link in his new tribe, and I believe he will be successful in pulling Kim in. But even if he’s not, he has the ability to walk out of Tribal so he stays at the top of my rankings.


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1. Sarah

Remember when Sandra came back in Game Changers and her gameplay in that short time almost seemed more impressive than anything we saw in her two winning games? I’m seeing some of that in Sarah this season. Don’t get me wrong, her winning game was impressive, but this season we’re getting to see even more into what works so well for Sarah in terms of her social game and ability to pull in unlikely allies to work towards common goals.





1. Sophie

MVP! Found an idol and sent the Robfather home. Well done Sophie. Sophie and Sarah are in a great spot this week, even if they find themselves at Tribal.


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