Survivor: Winners at War

Survivor Power Rankings | Winners at War Episode 3

Each week during Survivor: Winners at War, RHAP blogger Matt Liguori will rank the players to determine who is playing the best and worst games, alongside Survivor: Edge of Extinction contestants Victoria Baamonde and Gavin Whitson.

Survivor: Winners at War Power Rankings – Episode 3


I was ready for a guy to get voted out after three women had gone in a row, but not like this! I’m so sad to lose Ethan this early. I for sure thought we’d see him stick around longer because he’d never be the biggest threat. But of course, he was taken out because he was attached to the biggest threat. This season has been and will continue to be brutal, but again I will be thankful for EoE because Ethan’s story isn’t over just yet. Whether he gets back in or not, I look forward to hearing more from him.

Ethan was ranked in the middle of the pack for all of us last week. I had him the lowest at #11, while Victoria had him at #8 and Gavin at #7!

As always, make sure to follow the whole team on Twitter: @mattliguori, @veebaamonde, and @gavin_whitson.


If viewing on mobile, turn your device sideways for the best reading experience. Rankings may be best viewed on desktop.

Scrolling all the way down for a Quick View of all our rankings side-by-side.

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16. Adam

As a big Adam guy, this was a rough week. It’s great how aware Adam was of how people at home were probably screaming through the TV, because we were. Blindsides exist for a reason and I truly don’t see what the upside was to telling Rob and Ethan about the move. As we saw, it did nothing but backfire by getting Michele and Jeremy fired up to turn things around in a subtle way to show Adam he isn’t in control. He still has room to play, but Jeremy and Michele having the option to now link up with Rob and Parvati is terrifying for the guy Jeremy wanted out first pre-season (yes, Adam).





16. Adam

Adam is experiencing the curse of thinking you’re smarter than you are. There’s also a bit of foot-in-mouth disease going on here. The move to target the head honchos was correct, but telling the leader of the pack that their group was being targeted as “a way to get him on your side” was dumb. Ethan said it himself: telling a tight alliance that you’re targeting one of their members is… drumroll please… dumb. Adam’s own alliance is certainly not happy about his choices and he looks like he’ll be in the hottest of seats next week.





16. Adam

I love seeing Adam try and take out the big name old-schoolers, but I just think his grave was dug once everyone found out he was playing both sides. It’s great playing both sides because you always know what’s going on, but it’s a very thin line. As we saw this week, you’re screwed once people find out you’re playing them.


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15. Tyson

Tyson is really struggling, isn’t he? It’s still so strange to see. Tyson evolved into a dominant player over the years, but he just hasn’t been able to get his footing or find any dependable allies on this tribe. He’s a sitting duck, getting super lucky with immunity wins while praying for a swap to find literally anybody willing to work with him. The preview for next week showed Tyson trying to get something going with the Game Changers. That shows me his desperation, but if it works… his genius.





15. Boston Rob

What Rob has going for him right now is the fact that everyone wants to “weaken him”, instead of just targeting him dead on. But now that Ethan is gone, and considering Parvati’s massive ability to charm people, I do think Rob is about to become the bullseye. His best chance is to put all of his efforts into shifting focus fully to Adam and try to crack that alliance at its’ seams.





15. Boston Rob

“Let’s weaken Rob” … I’m still not sure why they’re trying to weaken the Robfather and not just take him out. With that said, there aren’t many people left on Rob’s side they can take out to weaken him before they have to finally vote for him.


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14. Parvati

If you know me, you know that as devastated as I was to lose Ethan this week, I would’ve been 4x as sad to lose Parv. I do feel like it’s coming eventually, but each week it doesn’t happen is a small victory. I need to see more of what’s going on in her game, because I have to imagine there are little seeds being planted with Denise, Jeremy, and Michele that have led to them keeping her around every time her name comes up.





14. Parvati

It was almost Parv this week that got axed. With her good pal Ethan now off on the Edge, Parv is in rough shape. But Adam now seems to be a common enemy that may take precedence next week. Even if he ends up weaseling his way to safety, she’s smart enough to realize she’s on a sinking ship. She can throw Rob overboard and find herself some new friends. Parvati has the world’s biggest meat shield, if only she’d use it.





14. Parvati

The black widow almost got stepped on this week. Parv seems to be in trouble for the foreseeable future. Her only hope now is Ethan finds some advantages on Edge and send them her way.


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13. Boston Rob

What once started as a group of four solid old-schoolers has been cut in half, and we’re now left with only the two OGs we saw on day 2 laughing about how these new-school players didn’t know what they’re doing. It’s safe to say Rob and Parvati underestimated the new kids. Overall, Rob’s been playing as well as I could ask for given the blindsides he’s been hit with. His approach and demeanor is what I would hope for from a now six-time player/mentor. If Jeremy and Michele are willing to play ball, Jeremy has to feel a lot better moving forward with Rob and Parvati as his meat-shields than he would with Adam or Ben.





13. Kim

“Jeff, I’m playing too!!”





13. Sandra

I don’t have anything negative to say about Sandra. I think it’s great she was able to provide a shark for the tribe. The Queen’s reputation simply speaks for itself and anytime Sandra attends Tribal this season, there will always be a huge chance she goes home no matter how great of a game she plays.


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12. Kim

There’s a new menu item available at the Red tribe. It’s Survivor‘s take on the latest fast-food craze: The Impossible Invisible Burger!





12. Tyson

Tyson is beginning to shift from the “anybody but me” strategy, having now dropped the Queen’s name. He tried to run the thought by Yul, who may consider it, but Yul doesn’t seem to trust Tyson. In what seems like very bad news for Tyson, Sandra immediately found out about it. Wrong target, wrong alliance. Hopefully Tyson survives to try again.





12. Kim

Kim gained a little bit of footing when she found her idol last week, but she told the wrong person she had it and I’m afraid Sophie will use that information to make a BiG MoVe.


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11. Ben

Ben managed to stay out of the drama this week, so he’ll slowly creep back up away from my bottom two. He might’ve found a sweet spot playing by Denise’s side (a partnership that seems natural, given his time with Chrissy on season 35). The Rob vs. Adam feud growing can only mean good things for the guy finding himself closer to the middle every day, unless he somehow gets Ethan’ed in the exact same way as an attempt to “weaken Adam”.





11. Sandra

Sandra the provider?! Yul considering Sandra beneficial to keep around because she makes camp life easier is not something I expected. Now that Tyson has thrown her name out, it’s time for Sandra to do what she’s always done best, eat the person trying to target her.





11. Tyson

I’m having trouble reading where Tyson lies within his tribe. If his tribe loses this week, it probably has to be one of himself, Kim, or Sandra going to the Edge.


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10. Tony

If being a cop, construction worker, or professional Survivor player doesn’t work out, I suppose Tony can pursue a career as a make-up artist. Spit and apply. What a weird scene…





10. Nick

An uneventful week for Nick!





10. Tony

I love this man. Tony 3.0 is the hero we all deserve. I was glad to see Tony watched Predator before he went to play season 40. If he wouldn’t have rubbed ash on Sarah’s face, I know Boston Rob’s heat vision would have detected her at camp. Nice work Tony!


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9. Sandra

For the woman coming into this season with the biggest target of anyone, Sandra seems to be playing a very impressive game. It sounds like there are some issues trusting her because of her early gameplay (spilling all the secrets), but the tribe’s winning lately has helped her fade back into the background and find ways to chip in around camp. It seems she’s won over Yul, and that’s an important voter.





9. Ben

Considering what I thought was going to turn into disaster for Ben last week, he seems to be in a pretty stable position right now. He was included in a lot of strategy this week and the focus is definitely not on him at the moment.





9. Ben

Ben is becoming one of my favorites to watch this season. I love a wildcard and I think it’s great that he’s attracted to working with Jeremy. I can see Jeremy wanting to use a threat like Ben as a shield for the duration of the game.


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8. Denise

Denise hasn’t been the most active player on her tribe, but that’s for the best. Sitting back and building relationships while the big players go at each other is a perfect spot to be in on this chaotic tribe. It’s great that Denise made it through this week with both Adam and Ben still by her side, but I’m a little worried she may eventually get targeted for the same reason as Stephenie in Heroes vs. Villains? (“She always loses, she’s bad luck.”)





8. Wendell

I know the value of a good toothpick on Survivor, but man, you’re going to hurt yourself one of these challenges!





8. Sarah

I’m so glad Sarah watched season 39 and was able to learn the art of sneaking into another tribe’s camp! Thanks Vince! (I know she didn’t see this season before she played, calm down.) Sarah is playing a great social game right now. It seems she’s making connections, including one with Tony that I didn’t expect. And now she also has an advantage. Nice job Sarah!


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7. Nick

A David on his season, a David in last week’s edit, and a David in this week’s edit.





7. Tony

Tony is afraid of sharks but apparently not much else. He accompanied Sarah on her quest for an advantage, and though he didn’t really do anything, he didn’t ruin anything either! Right now he’s in a good spot with Sarah trusting him and everyone else just kind of not taking him very seriously.





7. Nick

I went four episodes without a confessional on my season and Dean went a few episodes without a confessional last season. Congrats on 2nd place, Nick!


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6. Wendell

Wendell must’ve borrowed some PURPLE pants from his best friend Brice before he flew out to Fiji cause babbyyyy boyyyyy was nowhere to be found this week.





6. Jeremy

Still tight with Michele, Jeremy had a hand in a lot of decision making this week. When Rob approached the duo and tried to catch them in a lie, Jeremy played it SO cool. He also still has his safety advantage.





6. Denise

Adam was nice enough to give Denise the second half of her idol back, so Denise holds all the power now. I know Denise is smart enough to play the idol if she ever feels like she needs to, but the question is will she ever have to use it? Or will she be able to take it home as a souvenir with her $2 million check?


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5. Yul

Yul is probably still in a great spot as it seems he feels comfortable enough to be weighing his options between Tyson and Sandra. The preview for next week shows Tyson approaching the Game Changers, which could be worrying, but I have a hard time seeing Sandra’s crew agreeing to that plan after hearing Tyson was saying her name.





5. Sophie

Didn’t hear much from Sophie this week but safe to say she is still safe to stay.





5. Sophie

Sophie is still in a great position within her tribe. I don’t see anyone throwing her name out if her tribe loses. She knows about Kim’s idol, so she could use that to her advantage either getting Kim sent home or using it to form another alliance if she finds herself on a new tribe with Kim at some point.


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4. Sophie

Sophar sogood, but not much to report on this week. The puzzle pieces all seem to be fitting together nicely in Sophie’s game.





4. Sarah

Sarah having the opportunity to purchase the steal-a-vote puts her high in the rankings this week. She almost made me choke when she asked Tony to join her on her covert mission, but luckily everything worked out and now Sarah is armed with an advantage, and a very tight Cops-R-Us alliance.





4. Yul

For now, Yul remains in a great position. He still has some huge names on his tribe such as Tyson, Tony, and Sandra to throw out if their tribe loses. I’ll be curious to see how Yul does once the cards are reshuffled and he finds himself on a tribe with some new faces.


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3. Sarah

I’m really not a fan of the sneaking-into-other-tribe-camp scene we seem to be getting every season. It’s not exciting television and the person is never going to be caught. The players will always assume it’s a member of production walking around. But hey, Sarah’s got an advantage in her pocket and her tribe hasn’t stopped winning. Seems like a pretty good spot to be in.





3. Yul

Yul is still easily sitting at the top of his tribe. Tyson approaching him about possibly targeting Sandra is a great sign. People are seeing Yul as someone worth talking to and someone they should be running ideas by. Yul stating that he wants to work with rational players and that he doesn’t trust Tyson just shows how open his options are.





3. Wendell

We haven’t seen a ton out of Wendell yet, but his tribe keeps winning. I still think Wendell will go deep. I can see him aligning with #1 and #2 on my power rankings once we hit a tribe swap or merge and I could see these three running the game.


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2. Jeremy

As devastating as the vote ended up being, it’s hard to find any criticism with the choice Jeremy made, or the approach he took in getting there. Jeremy was blindsided on the first vote, so he had absolutely no reason to fill Rob in before this Ethan vote. Jeremy and Michele’s spot in the middle remains as powerful as it was and they still have options going forward.





2. Denise

Denise has: a full idol, a majority alliance, an extra fire token, and nobody saying her name. Her confidant Adam being on the bottom can become a liability for Denise, especially considering he knows about her idol. As of now though, Denise has a lot of cards in her hand, she just has to play them correctly.





2. Michele

Jeremy’s counterpart! I think they’re going to look after each other and both be safe until a tribe swap comes up for sure.


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1. Michele

Is it fair to say this was Michele’s best round in her Survivor playing history? It feels like it is. Michele being right in the middle allowed her to explore all options and ultimately eliminate the one person on her tribe she was probably the least connected with. Rob and Parvati got to stay together and she didn’t have to turn on Adam just yet.





1. Michele

Michele with the powerhouse week! Michele was in the perfect position this week; as a swing vote safely in the middle, Michele was able to finally direct where she wanted this vote to go. She made a clear stand against the old-school alliance, and even made a smooth recovery when Rob caught her and Jeremy chatting. She seems to be in a power position right now and with Adam being a common enemy for everyone, it looks like she has the chance to vote out who she chooses two weeks in a row.





1. Jeremy

Jeremy has a huge advantage in the game thanks to Natalie and he’s managed to form a very strong alliance with Michele. I believe they are in control of their tribe.


» Quick View «










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