Survivor: Winners at War

Survivor Power Rankings | Winners at War Episode 13

Each week during Survivor: Winners at War, RHAP blogger Matt Liguori will rank the players to determine who is playing the best and worst games, alongside Survivor: Edge of Extinction contestants Victoria Baamonde and Gavin Whitson.

Survivor: Winners at War Power Rankings – Episode 13

For this final week of rankings, the team will be ranking the players in the exact order they expect them to finish the season. For the Edge of Extinction returnee, all rankers have picked out the player they believe will return and included them in their top 6 placements.

A massive thanks to Gavin and Victoria for joining us here every week. Readers, feel free to reach out and let them know how great it was to have them on board for this epic season!

As always, make sure to follow the whole team on Twitter: @mattliguori, @veebaamonde, and @gavin_whitson.


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Scrolling all the way down for a Quick View of all our rankings side-by-side.

» Gavin «

6. Denise Stapley

At the start of the season, Denise was looking like a strong contender for the title. Week after week I feel like she’s dropped lower and lower on the chance of winning this season. With the Edge returnee coming back and me putting my money on Natalie, Natalie will play her idol at the first Tribal Council, which might be the final nail for Denise.

5. Ben Driebergen

Ben will be taken out at 5 because none of these people want to go against Ben in fire. He has proven himself once, and I know he’s willing to do it again. I think Sarah and Tony might turn on their alliance member when they realize Ben might be the one to take them out in a head-to-head fire-making challenge.

4. Michele Fitzgerald

Michele proved this season why she won her first season, and why she deserved to be here for season 40. She does not give up and she felt like she had more to prove than anyone else; I believe she accomplished that. Hats off to Michele for a great season, but I think you lose to Natalie at fire.

3. Sarah Lacina

The Cops-R-Us alliance has come full circle and I hope they both make FTC this season. They’ve both won a season and I would like to see these two go head-to-head. I have a lot more respect for Sarah after watching this season. She has played with Tony every season, that’s like making it to the NBA Finals three times and playing against Michael Jordan every time. Sarah is a very deserving winner and I would be happy seeing her win this season if Tony cant make it to the final 3. Cops-R-Us for the win!

2. Natalie Anderson

Natalie will win her way back in, considering she had 216 fire tokens to help her buy 54 advantages in the Edge challenge. She’s a beast and a contender without the advantages, but this leg up makes her the no brainer pick. With that said, I think Natalie will use the idol to save herself at 6 and then could win the final 5 immunity. Either way, she can win a fire-making challenge. In a final 3, I know she has people in her corner, having been on the edge for so long. I’ve heard you grow very close out there, so I think that’ll benefit her as well. BUT there is a chance people saw what happened last time and they send the Edge returnee right back out of the game.

1. Tony Vlachos

This is Tony’s season to lose. The man has played such an impressive game from start to finish. If he’s able to make it to the final 3, it’s a no brainer that this man will be the first two-time male winner. Good luck Tony, I really hope this works out because this will be the last episode of Survivor for a while. I just hope I enjoy this Edge of Extinction ending more than the last one (*wipes tear away*).

» Victoria «

6. Ben Driebergen

I think Ben has no friends, no immunity wins, no strong alliance, and no potential to win. He has been targeted recently and I think is a very easy vote-out. Ben either lands in sixth place or third place. He and Denise feel a bit interchangeable for me right now, but I think Ben’s personality, or lack thereof, will cause him to be the sixth place boot.

5. Sarah Lacina

I think Tony turns on Sarah again. Either that, or she is a plan B and gets idoled out. She is strong contender to win if she makes it to the end (though I don’t think anyone beats Tony) and she doesn’t have the same power over people that Tony seems to have. I think she falls just short of the fire-making challenge.

4. Tony Vlachos

Tony has played a pretty wild game. I feel like he has taken on what I will refer to as the “Devens edit”, occupying the majority of the airtime. Though I feel it is well deserved, I wonder if it means he lands in a painful fourth place. Even though no one has turned on him yet, it HAS to be coming… right? Everyone must know they can’t beat him at the end… right?? I’m giving credit to the other game players by putting Tony in the fourth place slot. I think if Tony lands in the final three, he wins, hands down, but my guess is he doesn’t make it there.

3. Denise Stapley

I think Denise gets taken to the final 3 and receives very few or no votes, landing her in the not-so-coveted third place slot. Her “fake” “send-me-home” attitude has rubbed everyone the wrong way, making her a good goat, though her resume of sorts might get her a vote or so.

2. Natalie Anderson

I, along with everyone else in the Survivor community, think Natalie wins her way back in during the EoE battle. With 3 advantages and her insane strength, she certainly appears to be the frontrunner. I’m also assuming, without much proof, that being on EoE has taught her a thing or two about making fire. I think these winners, having had the chance to watch season 38, should know better than to let her get to final 3; but I think with her idol and her challenge winning strength, she just may make it there. I also think having gotten the chance to watch season 38, these players won’t allow a first boot to take home 2 million dollars.

1. Michele Fitzgerald

I have a sneaking suspicion that Michele wins this game. She has been an underdog this whole time, and yet somehow has survived thus-far. She has mentioned several times that she is here to prove that her first season win wasn’t a fluke… foreshadowing? Even though she has been on the chopping block, I think Natalie (or any EoE member) returning shakes up the dynamic enough for her to re-shape her fate. Though her game play may not be the type that all jury members respect, I think in a final 3 consisting of Michele, Denise, and Natalie, Michele’s ability to advocate for herself will allow her to pull it out.

» Matt «

6. Denise Stapley

Coming in at 6th place, I’ve got Denise Stapley. Denise has played her best Denise game and made it exactly as far as many of us believed she could go. Coming into this final 6, we could have as many as three idols in play, plus an immunity necklace from the challenge. The way I see it, Denise would need to win that challenge or Tony will round up the votes and take out the Queen-slayer before she has a chance to sneak into a final 3 seat.

5. Sarah Lacina

At the final 5, Tony and Sarah will really be out of places to hide. It’s hard enough to understand how anyone has let them get this far, but it’s even harder to see anyone continue to let them both move on to the final 4. With Ben having lost his close ally Denise at final 6, he no longer feels loyal to his “final 3” with Tony and Sarah, and votes with Michele and the EoE returnee to take out Sarah because Tony has immunity.

4. Ben Driebergen

Tony’s worst nightmare comes true. Tony has to face off with Ben at fire-making, but this time… Ben loses. Michele and the EoE returnee are taking each other to the final 3, so one of them wins this immunity and send Ben/Tony to fire-making. Ben hasn’t played the most impressive game, so it’s probably for the best he doesn’t reach the final 3 and end up ignored Troyzan-style. Ben losing in the very twist that was created in his season and awarded him his first win would really be something.

3. Michele Fitzgerald

I’ve really enjoyed our time with Michele this season. Her game certainly hasn’t been without flaw, but her ability to survive and turn her game up when her back is against the wall has been great. When it comes down to final 3 resumes, I’m not sure Michele’s will be able to match up against one of the other players I expect is sitting next to her.

Jury votes likely coming from: Wendell, Kim, and Nick.

2. Natalie Anderson

The E0E returnee made the final 3 last time and I’m not about to count them out again this time. My official prediction for the returnee has got to be the fire token Queen, Natalie Anderson. Sure, it’s edit related in many senses, but Natalie has worked her butt off on the Edge and is beyond motivated to get back into the game. With an idol in her pocket, she’s got a great chance to do some damage. Natalie has been on EoE for a while and has bonded with many of the jurors, so I see her getting more votes than Michele.

Jury votes likely coming from: Amber, Danni, Tyson, Parvati, and Jeremy.

1. Tony Vlachos

This certainly can’t be happening… can it? Tony Vlachos winning an All-Winners season of Survivor? Tony has been running the table for a large portion of this season and somehow ended up in the home stretch of the season without a single vote cast against him and an idol in his pocket. Tony is essentially a lock to make final 5, if not final 4. He’s played a very obviously impressive game and if he makes it to the end, I don’t see how he loses. He’s got a great edit, lots of respect from other players, and a newly-found ability to win immunity challenges. My history of getting the winner correct hasn’t been great over the years, but I got Tommy right last season and we’ll have to see if I can turn this into some kind of streak.

Jury votes likely incoming from: Ethan, Rob, Yul, Adam, Sophie, Denise, Ben, and Sarah.

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