Survivor: Winners at War

Survivor Power Rankings | Winners at War Episode 12

Each week during Survivor: Winners at War, RHAP blogger Matt Liguori will rank the players to determine who is playing the best and worst games, alongside Survivor: Edge of Extinction contestants Victoria Baamonde and Gavin Whitson.

Survivor: Winners at War Power Rankings – Episode 12

Kim Spradlin made it to day 29 of an all-winners season of Survivor. Unreal. While other big threats were taken out all throughout the pre-merge, Kim found a way to survive for an entire month when all odds were stacked against her. Her game this season was far from the perfect game she played back in One World, but absolutely nobody’s gameplay has been perfect and she certainly proved that she still has it. I doubt we’ll see Kim 3.0 anytime soon… but if there’s ever another IOI season, Kim better be a top contender for one of those big giant heads.

TWO HOURS this week! You guys excited? I’ve been feeling down that this epic season is almost over, but on the other hand… we still have two weeks of extra long Survivor in our immediate future and I cannot wait to watch as we get closer and closer to crowning a champion of champions.

Note: Victoria wasn’t able to join us this week but will hopefully be back for one final set of rankings next week!

As always, make sure to follow the whole team on Twitter: @mattliguori, @veebaamonde, and @gavin_whitson.


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Scrolling all the way down for a Quick View of all our rankings side-by-side.

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7. Denise

It felt like some heavy foreshadowing when Jeremy said to Denise “you know you’re only safe tonight, right?” Denise just lost her #1 ally in the game, and her other closest ally was Jeremy… with whom it seems there’s no hope for a reconciliation at this point. Tony’s had his eyes on Denise as a target since the swap. If he’s looking to keep Jeremy around for one more round, Denise will be an easy vote in the meantime.





7. Denise

After last week’s tribal, I think Denise has finally dug her own grave. Showing she wasn’t interested in talking strategy with Jeremy at tribal is the only excuse they need to send this challenge beast home.


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6. Ben

Ben’s gameplay has been pretty rough to watch all season. He tends to think he’s involved in a lot more than reality would prove. Ben pretty certainly can’t win this game. The Troyzan trajectory I’ve had him on still seems on track.





6. Ben

Ben is going to be irate when he gets back to camp. Tony played him into voting for Kim because he thought Sarah was going home. I think Ben is going to find himself on the bottom because of this, but Ben had found himself on the bottom before and we saw how that played out, so never count him out!


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5. Jeremy

Jeremy’s really still here? Not bad! His beautiful family visited only two weeks ago and it feels like that really cemented how big of a threat Jeremy would be if found himself at the end. Tony keeping Jeremy around as a shield has helped him greatly, but that won’t last forever. Nobody remaining has Jeremy’s back, but perhaps he just won’t give Michele her coin back?





5. Michele

Even though Michele helped Jeremy out last week and gave him an advantage, that advantage was not played and now this could be an excuse for Jeremy to target Michele. If he doesn’t want to give the advantage back, it’s the perfect excuse to send her to the Edge.


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4. Nick

Nick’s gameplay has been the most up and down of anyone this season. He seems to have his head on straight and know the best way to move forward, but then has slip-ups like his poor lying to Tony that sinks him right back down. Nick remains in a good spot to go to the end, but the only person remaining I could see Nick getting more votes than would be Ben (and not by many).





4. Nick

Nick has managed to find himself in the majority most of the game and you have to give him props for that. I think the same thing will happen this week, I really think Nick is going to make it to final 3 again this season.


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3. Michele

Controverchele is back in action! Twitter seems ablaze with Michele truthers and detractors going to war over just how good of a game Meesh is playing this season. Michele continues to survive every round with a low-threat and solid social game. I don’t quite see her resume being the strongest right now, but given her social relationships and the fact that there’s still a handful of important rounds to be played, I’m far from counting her out.





3. Sarah

If Sarah lost her trust in Tony two weeks ago, after this last round, Tony should have gained it all back. Not only did it show that Sarah trusted Tony enough to vote with him, but she also trusted him enough to not want him to play his idol for her. All around this was a great episode for Sarah, Jeremy and Tony. I would love to see this as the final 3.


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2. Sarah

Sarah continues to show how impressive of a player she is. Things looked rough for her after giving up the reward a few weeks back. Then, she lost Sophie and things could’ve easily gone south had she not found it within herself to continue moving forward with Tony. Sarah and Tony are such an obvious threat and I can’t see them both making it to the end, but I think they’ve got a great shot of being finale-bound together.





2. Jeremy

Like Tony, Jeremy is playing a great game and he managed to win the last round of Russian roulette when he decided to keep his new 50/50 idol. Now the question is.. will he give it back or keep it for himself this week?


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1. Tony

Tony Vlachos.





1. Tony

And so the King stays King. Tony is winning this game plain and simple. I know the chances of that still might seem slim, but I am going to wish it into existence. Tony still has his idol, and he would be a fool not to play it this week IF he loses immunity.


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