Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers

RHAP Survivor Power Rankings

Matt Liguori ranks the players each week with his own guest in RHAP’s Survivor Power Rankings. This week Matt is joined by RHAP’s Antonio Mazzaro!

  • Note: If reading on a cell phone, rotate your device horizontally to read the rankings side-by-side. However, this may not work for some devices with smaller screens.

RHAP Survivor Power Rankings

Survivor‘s back, baby! Power Rankings and Survivor are two things that often go hand-in-hand. There are some great power rankers out there who have been crushing it for many seasons now. This season, RHAP is joining in on the fun.

As was the case for Big Brother 19, we’re going to have a rotating guest spot. Someone new will join me each week to give their thoughts on the players and how well they’re doing in the game. The guests will be familiar faces: some friends of RHAP, some former reality-TV contestants, and my mailman if he still plans on watching the show after the way things turned out for his favorite player (Troyzan) last season.

Many of you are familiar with the power rankings done by the great Gordon Holmes of Xfinity and others who have adopted the format. While things may look similar over here, we won’t be following a point system/competition style. We’re simply going to evaluate the cast based on their position in the game, including their likelihood of winning and their likelihood of being voted out soon.

So let’s get into things, shall we? We’ve unofficially met the Heroes, Healers, and Hustlers. If you aren’t familiar with the players yet, that means you’ve missed the fantastic pre-season coverage from Rob Cesternino, Josh Wigler, and the many others contributing to ensure we know all about our 18 new players. If you did miss any of the coverage Josh brought back from Fiji, make sure you listen to as much as you can before Wednesday night.

I’m joined for this first week of rankings by RHAP great, Antonio Mazzaro. You can find tons of Antonio content over on Post Show Recaps covering a variety of scripted-TV shows. If we’re lucky, we’ll hear from him during the season answering some voicemails or talking Survivor in one way or another. Follow Antonio (@acmazzaro) and myself (@mattliguori) on Twitter, tweet us what you think and leave a comment below!


Alright Antonio… Heroes, Healers, and Hustlers. It’s happening. What do you think of this season’s theme and cast?

Wait, healers are not heroes? And actuaries are? Riiight. Anyway, I don’t think the theme of a season usually ends up mattering too terribly much. After how good Millennials vs. Gen-X played out after being widely panned as a theme before the season, I don’t think there’s any real reason to complain about any specific theme.

It makes sense from a marketing standpoint that something is needed, and if staying in Fiji as a locked-in location means Survivor stays on the air longer, I’m fine with just about any theme. I mean, I don’t think anyone wants “Survivor 85: Undertakers vs. Auditors”, but Survivor has done a pretty solid job with these themes. I surely wouldn’t want the task of branding these casts. I do like it when you apply a term like “Hero” to someone you’re shoving in front of cameras and depriving of sleep, food, water, and comfort and then they are expected to live up to that title. We’ve seen that–and more pejorative terms like “Villain” or “White Collar” impact the way players are viewed in the game, or the way they view themselves. I think the best themes like this are ones which cause self-reflection in the players, and force them to live with the sometimes horrid labels like “Game Changers” thrown around their necks. Also, lord knows Rob and Gordon Holmes make a meal out of the all-star versions of these themes. But the downside of these themes sometimes rears its head. I really don’t think anyone needs another multiple episode arc of someone complaining that they don’t belong on the Brawn tribe for example. And yeah, no big business actuary is a hero on that alone. Sorry Chrissy.

As for the cast, it’s fun! I really have to give major credit to Josh Wigler’s First One Out podcast series for making me feel more personally connected to this cast of first timers than I have with a cast of first timers. I like that many of the recruits seem to have done their homework, and that many of the fans of the show aren’t full on gamebot fans. I think some of the casting archetypes that often get filled by model/actor types have more substance than usual. I’m hopeful for a good season.

Which tribe are you anticipating will have the most success early on? Which will struggle the most?

The Heroes tribe seems poised to do well. I don’t see a physical weak link there, they skew older and ideally more mature. Do fire fighters know how to make fire? Will production find a way to keep an Olympic swimmer on the beach, or force an NFL athlete into only doing puzzles? I’ve probably now retroactively doomed them to failure by saying this. Sorry Heroes!

The Hustlers tribe seems like they are wearing gasoline suits coated in flint scrapings standing next to a pile of oily rags and an old person falling asleep while smoking. So, they’ll probably be fine.


Time for some predictions!

Most likely to find multiple Hidden Immunity Idols

  • Roark – she’ll know where and when to look.

Merge boot

  • Cole. Let him make the merge tribe shelter nice first and make sure the fire is ready to go. Then don’t let him near the endgame.

Most likely to be screwed by a tribe swap

  • The fans.

Dragged to the final three as a goat

  • JP. Sorry man.

Ends the season with the most confessionals

  • Jessica. Gotta show love to my fellow Kentuckian!

Most individual immunity wins

  • Ashley, she’s got beach feet.

Last but not least, winner pick

  • Jessica! See above!

Any final thoughts on this season before it begins?

Let the games begin! And please be nice to these people on social media unless they are horrible people. If they are, just ignore them. But yeah, be nice!


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I really like new Tony. He seems to have a confidence that will place him in a leadership role early on. While being the leader isn’t always a great spot, Joe seems like an easy-going guy who won’t push anybody’s buttons and leave them feeling directly threatened. I can’t see a group coming together to take him out early on. While the Tony Vlachos comparisons are there, so are comparisons between every other new player to a previous Survivor player. Cochran’s here. Fabio, J.T., Denise Martin, and many other power players of Survivor past are all over the beaches of Fiji for the show’s 35th season. So what I’m saying is that I don’t think Tony comparisons damage Joe’s game. While Joe isn’t my winner pick, I’m feeling confident in him.

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1. Jessica

The sun shines bright on my fellow Kentuckian! Majority alliances and sub-alliances, hiding behind villains, keeping your head down, knowing the game—I’ve heard so much good from you. I think you’re well insulated in the early game, and I have a ton of faith in your ability to make the right relationships in tribe swaps or merge situations later. Maybe it’s too much faith based on the fact that I want you to represent Kentucky! I hope you are willing to slit some throats and be maybe a bit of a fallen angel in the game when you need to be though. Sometimes you have to kill at least one rat. I just don’t think there’s a chance anyone will target you first. Unless you just totally blow it in the challenges like UK almost did against my mighty NKU Norse last year in the tournament.


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2. Patrick

Patrick really stands out to me, and that’s not just because of his bright red hair (and skin). Somebody with the courage and confidence to begin their own business strikes me as somebody with the red-hot fire inside to play the game hard enough and find a way to win. Patrick is only 25 but seems to be mature way beyond his years. His biggest enemy on Survivor is undoubtedly going to be the sun, but if he can find a way to move his tribe into the shade (’cause you know, he moves things for a living), I think he sticks around for a while and makes a deep run. At least I hope so because Patrick is my winner pick.

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2. Roark

Would be easy enough for me to just rank you first since you are an RHAP fan. The same lenses through which we ingest and digest the game and pop culture, in general, will hopefully be good for you. I am a little concerned about this “bossy” stuff, but you seemed extremely likeable and friendly pregame, and I have to believe you’ll know how to do well, including being able to take your foot off the gas and put it in Roark when need be (shoutout to Mike Bloom for the worst pun ever since his last pun.) I can see you being targeted early because whip-smart and sarcastically funny younger women have done well in recent seasons, but I think you’ve got the skills to protect your neck and stick a Roark in anyone who tries to clip you. (Admittedly my puns aren’t any better.)


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3. Cole

As perhaps the most overrated player this pre-season, Cole has a lot of hype to live up to. The winner pick of many, Cole fans crossing their fingers to not be let down by the Wilderness Therapy Guide. You know, there’s a reason Survivor has previously had a “beauty” tribe. Beauty is absolutely an advantage going into a social experiment where you have to be around the same people 24/7 for up to 39 days. Who wouldn’t want to work with the hunky guy and keep him around for the nice view? As long as Cole’s social game goes as smoothly as many are expecting, I think he makes the merge just fine. Finding a way out of being targeted as an immunity threat will be a harder feat, but I think Cole can find a way.

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3. Devon

If you were more laid back, you’d be supine. I can’t imagine anyone thinking week one “We HAVE to get rid of Devon/Jack Johnson.” I also can’t imagine your shorts getting any lower without having to NSFW my own thoughts. So maybe pull up your pants? I don’t know, seems like a good idea. But seriously, a guitar-playing surfer who wants to have a good time but ALSO low-key loves the game and wants to impress his mom who REALLY loves the game? Actually, I am not entirely unconvinced that Jay Starrett didn’t make some sort of low-shorts skin suit and name it Devon and put it on and get cast on this season tbh. Regardless I just don’t see anyone wanting to say happy trails to you week one unless they see you as TOO laid back like Taylor. More Jay less Tayles please.


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4. Desi

The second member of the high-expectations club comes right after the first. Consensus on Desi seems to be that she’s made for the game and should have no problem going far. I tend to agree. Desi seems really smart and super likeable. She’s starting the game off on the Healers tribe, which looks pretty strong (mostly because it’s not the Hustlers tribe). I only worry about Desi because the last new female player the internet fell in love with during the pre-season was Mari Takahashi… and look how well that turned out. It also concerns me that she thinks she’s most like Tasha Fox, because Tasha (at least in Second Chances) is not a player I think anyone should be striving to emulate. I would like to see Desi play so well that the next set of new players has an entire roster saying the player they’re most like is Desi.

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4. Desi

If you could win Survivor in the interview room you may well have already won. Everyone seems bowled over impressed by you pregame, and rightly so. Granted, you were recruited by someone sliding into your DM’s, but once you were in, you went in with both feet and seem to have gained a great base understanding about the game. I am not sure other similar recruits did their homework like that. I think your background will serve you well in the game, but I think there are plenty of people in your cast who can see these same things about you and see them as reasons to target you. Are you able to downplay your strengths, or is it too ingrained in you to come off as well as possible always? I don’t think you’ll have problems early, but those reasons to target you are pretty clear.


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5. Roark

I feel really really good about Roark. Unlike some female superfans of the past, I think Roark can find a way to make it to the end while also potentially gaining enough respect to win a jury vote when she gets there. The only reason I don’t have Roark ranked higher is that I’m worried that it could hurt her going into the game with as much Survivor knowledge as she has, in addition to some thought-out plans as outlined in her RHAP interview with Josh Wigler. I think she may get in her own head along the way and lose sight of the game she’s playing. If not… lots of potential here.

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5. Cole

I don’t see much chance you’re first boot. You are literally a hack/advantage to your tribe. You’re like an American Tata the Bushman, if he had Captain America’s body instead of just his heart. Your tribe would have to have a self-destructive, self-loathing, hive mind for self-flagellating punishment if they sent you out first, and let’s be honest the odds of that are low since you aren’t on the Hustlers tribe. But anyway yeah, you are the total package. There’s a small chance that you are so perfect it will be threatening to someone early (toe muscles!), but that would definitely be a surprise. You may replace Cochran as the new reward for some poor tribe who needs you to show up and make fire, build them a shelter, and glisten for them. I meant listen to them. That’s for sure what I meant.


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6. Ben

Please be a J.T. (the Tocantins version). Please be at J.T. (the Tocantins version). Please be a J.T. (the Tocantins version). I like Ben and I doubt I’ll be the only one with that opinion. He has that lovable quality you can pick out from across an island, in the same way as somebody like Tai Trang. Tai was taken far in both of his seasons despite being a top-notch challenge competitor. If Ben is as likable and easy-going as Tai was, while picking up a Stephen Fishbach-like ally to run through the game with, I see no reason why Ben can’t be sitting there at the end. So as long as Ben doesn’t outplay himself, he probably sticks around for a while.

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6. Chrissy

I am very impressed with your managing being a mother with also being incredibly successful in your career. I also think you know the game VERY well and your analytical mind could be key at important points in the game. Just as important though, especially early, is the social game. Why lie about your age? Other players see you as the Mom type anyway, and the lack of awareness of that could speak to a greater lack of awareness in the game. Maybe being seen as the caring Mom would be good, and would do well to take the edge off of the threat you otherwise pose by being frighteningly brilliant. I’m taking a bit of a risk with my rankings because things could go south for you early as you have observed. But I am confident in your ability to recognize that and mitigate that risk.


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7. Jessica

Jessica’s game could really go either way this season. I’m always concerned for the Survivor Jessica, and this one is no different. I think Jessica has Andrea Boehlke upside. She seems like a sweet girl who will fit right in with a group and do well in challenges, but once the merge hits and the end game is in sight, it’ll be hard to find reasons to keep her around as the players begin identifying jury threats. (Side note: I just opened up Jessica’s bio after writing all of that, and the Survivor contestant she says she’s most like? Andrea. I’m a genius.) But now that I’m reading Jessica’s bio, I really want to have a conversation with her about her anti-can opener sentiments. Maybe she’ll come back from playing Survivor with $1,000,000 and pay someone to open all of her cans for her if they bother her that much.

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7. Ashley

You seem a good fit for Survivor. You’re acutely aware of your biggest weaknesses—the way you are blunt and impatient sometimes, and it does concern me they could drag you down as the elements crush you. You are likely safely protected in your tribe though, and your self-professed sincerity should help balance out your negatives. Your beach feet and clear fit for the physical game of Survivor mean that unless you really come off as negative early, you’ll be safe week one for sure. Sarah Lacina just proved that it doesn’t matter what people think about your resting face pregame when you can’t talk to them, so I’m less concerned with your cast mates’ sour thoughts from Ponderosa, especially since if you are different once you can talk to them, you’ll disarm them for having the wrong read.


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8. Ryan

Every season needs its characters in addition to its players. Ryan has potential to be both, but if the player gig doesn’t work out, I have to assume Ryan will be one of the most interesting characters this season has to offer. We’re in a superfan heavy era of Survivor; a super-duper fan won the game just two seasons ago. Ryan may not have such an easy time hiding the superfan flag as previous others. He’s also not on a very intimidating-looking tribe, which worries me about his chance of making the merge. If he can get past a tribal council or two and doesn’t overheat in the turtleneck, I think Ryan finds himself a seat on the jury. If not, we’ll be one player closer to the upcoming Survivor: Pre-Merge season. Ryan, Figgy, and Russell Swan for final 3, mark it down now.

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8. Joe

Trigger warning. Many of the other contestants are already thinking it. But now is not the best time in Survivor to be a shaved-head hustler (tribe label be damned) with pipes and tats and a loose relationship with being calm in the game. I really really really would like to see you do well because I want to see your gameplay. I think you have great upside based on your (though downplayed) deep knowledge of the show. And I have zero doubt you can spit whatever at whomever to make the connections you need. I’m gonna hope that gives you time to make some solid relationships in the game. I just worry that you’ll get cited for going 100 mph in a 20 mph zone. And no one needs interactions with the law in the early game. Or really ever if I’m being honest, no offense.


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9. Devon

Fabio! I mean, right? Judging from some pre-season content, everyone seems to get good vibes from Devon right off the bat. I’m anticipating he’ll have options to choose whom he wishes to work with as the game goes on. He’s likable and should be a challenge asset, which is generally enough to bring a guy in his archetype through to the merge. While I think Devon looks good on paper, I can’t shake the “screwed by a tribe-swap” feeling I have about him. Or maybe it’ll be an idol? Devon, keep your head (especially all that hair) on straight and lay low.

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9. Alan

I wish you were with my 0-3 Bengals right now, who are in desperate need of some veteran reliability. Call it a hunch, but I bet you have a ton of experience navigating huge egos and the need for attention you may find on Survivor. I have a lot of respect for a guy who turned a 7th round draft pick status and early NFL practice squad work into a 9 year NFL career. I know there is no way you did that without being able to grind, so I am confident the game isn’t going to throw anything at you that you can’t defend. I’m less confident with your knowledge of the game overall and your ability to navigate the later stages, but early on I think you are a lock to stick around. Maybe adjusting to different locker rooms will serve you well in swaps and the merge. Here’s hoping.


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10. Ali

I’m really surprised that a lot of people seem to be down on Ali. She went 17th of 18 in a draft I participated in. Ali seems like the total package. She may not be a superfan, but she has watched the show and should be heading into the battlefield with some kind of strategy. She’s used to taking charge in her real life; a personal assistant has to have some power behind every step to make sure things get done. If that follows her to the island, it may come across as pushy and turn people off. I’m worried about her because somebody used to keeping things moving in the fast-paced environment she works in may not be able to slow things down to play Survivor. (Ali, please tell me you got off the boat and gave us a good “IZ YOU OKAY? IZ YOU?? GOOOD, ‘CAUSE I WANTED TO KNOW!”) (Shoutout to the one person reading this who has seen a GloZell video.)

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10. Ali

You seem to possess the total package needed to do well. Call it brains/brawn/beauty if you want, but you definitely seem capable, and that you’ve seen enough of the game to know what’s coming. I got a little concerned with you talking about rifling through bags. That something your most-hated player Abigail Maria might do, and not a reasoned strategy a seasoned fan like you would undertake. Has working for a YouTuber prepared you to deal with the divas you’ll find on a season of reality TV of any kind? Sure. But has it prepared you for dealing with the cutthroat gamebots you may find this season? If you’re not digging into bags right away, I think you’re good. Unless Patrick harbors some secret grudge over some moving issues from your days at Auburn. Hope you paid that invoice!


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11. Chrissy

I see a loyal ally in Chrissy. I don’t see a winner, but I see someone who will find a group or at least one friend and stick by their side. Chrissy seems like a strong and intelligent woman. The older (she’s not even old, just older than everyone else) woman on Survivor often struggles in finding a way get to the end and pull out a win. Without the pure sweetness of Tina or the easy-going nature of Denise, I’m not sure Chrissy will fare well here. But Chrissy has been very successful in life and it seems like others are optimistic for her chances. Given all she’s accomplished in the real world, she’ll probably prove me wrong and win the whole thing.

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11. Patrick

Being associated with a Moving Company is not a great association with CBS reality staples, so hopefully, you are able to reclaim it. You say you are ready to play, and you seem like a guy who hustles well for sure. Jeff Probst said pregame that he thought you were in trouble, and when The Oracle speaks, we do have to assign some value to that. But he’s not infallible. His iconic hat isn’t a pope hat. You definitely seem to have the savvy to make moves, but do you have enough savvy as a self-professed bad liar to hide or downplay your hustle? Or is your insane sunburn going to mark you as a red alert right away? The Lannisters send their regards. And they also say they hope you don’t come in red hot, and also they are saying I am saying too many things about red things.


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12. Alan

While I have absolutely no idea where Alan will go out this season, I do feel confident enough that he won’t be our next Survivor winner. Pro-athletes that come into this game always overestimate their abilities to do well because they’re so used to a career where they work hard every day to ensure their team wins. Survivor isn’t paced like a professional sport. Slow and steady wins the race, unless your name is Tony Vlachos. Alan won’t have an issue getting to at least a tribe swap, as he’ll be needed for challenge strength. I would even think he’ll find his way to the merge. But the final 6/5 seems unreachable for Alan unless there’s a strong alliance to protect him in that terrifying stage of the game for a guy built like him.

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12. Ben

Making waves before the game starts with personality could go either way. You remind me of John C. Reilly and I am looking forward to hearing him say “I’m a Driebergen!” in Survivor Triple H: The Movie. But I think you’ve got a lot more going on than just comic relief, you’ve clearly lived many lives already, and your experiences may help or hurt you in the game. Unless you come in guns blazing, I think you’re in a good spot, and I love that you have Survivor nights at home with your family. I want fans like you to do well in the game. People are reading your personality as huge right away though, so early on there’s at least some chance that could rub some people in your tribe the wrong way.


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13. JP

I get a very cocky vibe from JP. He seems like that alpha-male in a Survivor season that plays way too hard and is taken out pre-merge because he’s so hard to work with despite being a challenge asset. I think JP is going to want to get out there and get right to forming an alliance and getting his ducks in a row. I would love to be wrong because if he plays his hand right, I think he has potential to be the player everybody thinks Cole will be. Hearing JP talk about his dog in pre-game interviews is giving me flashbacks to Ben Z of Bachelor in Paradise. Apologies to the 95% of you I just lost, but I had to mention it.

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13. JP

What do you get for the man who has everything—surfing, a rescue dog, fun roommates, and things like that? Oh yeah you save lives too, but none of that matters when it comes down to whether your tribe will keep you around. You do seem to have landed in a pretty solid spot, and your age puts you in line with the majority of the cast, so you shouldn’t immediately stand out there. I’m not sure you’re a mega fan of the game though, so whether you hit the beach making the relationships you’ll need to shield and protect you is an open question. Firefighters tend to do well in Survivor, so if you’re targeted early, it’s because someone sees you as a threat to their game. I don’t think you’ll have too many fires to put out otherwise.


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14. Simone

There’s just about nothing from Simone’s pre-game content that has me even a little optimistic for her chances out there. But as I’ve noticed in recent years, pregame interviews can trick you. Cydney Gillon of Survivor: Kaoh Rong had us scared that “Storm” might show up at a moment’s notice, which led me to be cautiously optimistic about eventual-winner Josh Martinez for this season of Big Brother despite his alarming pre-season interviews. These players scare us into thinking they’re a first boot and then show up on the island with enough game to bring them to the end. Simone could follow the same path, and I wouldn’t be surprised. But for now, I’d be uncomfortable ranking her too high up.

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14. Dr. Mike

Doc, you said yourself you think there’s a shot you could be the First One Out. You certainly appear to be a super accomplished person who is used to crushing anything you attempt, but you also seem used to being in charge. Everyone has said you give off David Samson vibes—and David was great TV. But I fear what made that so will also make you a risk in your tribe, just as it did with David. The longer you are in the game, the more you are Growing Strong, but your early tribemates may well say Ours is the Fury and decide it’s a risk to keep you around. Here’s hoping you are successful in the game, but not so successful that your family ends up on the radar of a specific person on your wife’s hall pass list.


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15. Ashley

Similar to Simone, I think Ashley may be strongly underestimated because of the reaction other players had towards her at their pre-game Ponderosa stay. There’s a reason somebody once coined the term “resting b____ face.” Do you think everyone saw Michaela in the pre-game and thought, “Oh what a nice girl, I would love to work with her”? Probably not. I think Ashley may surprise us. Starting the game with the Heroes, I think she’ll have room to maneuver and get in with some of the stronger guys on the tribe. I’m keeping an eye on Ashley and Alan. Seems like a strong duo if they come together. Also, it doesn’t hurt to have another lifeguard out there for those water challenges. I’m trying to envision the “THIS IS A SURVIVOR FIRST” scenes we’ll get from Probst this go-round. It’s either Ashley or Dr. Mike using their professions to help another contestant. Better TV would be if it were Dr. Mike. Speaking of…

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15. Ryan

Call it the curse of Adam Klein or David Wright, but you’re walking into a season where your overt smart fan status is perhaps going to be seen as more dangerous than ever in light of recent seasons. Your tribe could be trouble, and on that tribe there’s a chance you’ll be on the outside looking in depending on how the personalities vibe. Your threat status is hanging around your neck, and not even a turtleneck can hide it. Could be rough early going. Maybe one of the Hustlers is a secret Whovian and your Tennant-like looks will be an instant in for you. On the other hand, maybe they’ve seen Jessica Jones and will want to snap your (turtle)neck as a result.


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16. Mike

Trickiest guy to rank on the cast. Congratulations, Dr. Mike! It doesn’t help that your CBS bio might be the shortest anybody’s ever written. Any guy who names their child after Ethan Zohn gets points in my book. I won’t underestimate another superfan, but there’s something about Dr. Mike that has me thinking he won’t be the first person everyone tries to start an alliance with. David Samson vibes… you know? I would like to see Dr. Mike make it far because I love watching someone experience Survivor who values every second they spend on the island. Hopefully, he can keep the tribe laughing with him, instead of about him.

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16. Simone

In the climate of Fiji, throwing as much shade as you do SHOULD be a benefit, but early game when people are looking for a reason to get rid of someone, they might be jealous of the person who thinks they are jealous of them because of how they look. There does seem to be a better fit with the rest of the Hustlers tribe for you than there is for Lauren, but by your own admission you’re gonna play fast, hard, and white hot, and that could be problematic early when it might be best to just go along to get along. I really would like to see how the #EyebrowGame plays out though. PS, DON’T drink the water unless you are ready to confront your greatest concerns about using the woods for bathroom purposes.


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17. Katrina

Goatential galore! If Katrina makes it past the first (and second?) vote, I have no reason to believe she’ll struggle to make the final 3. I’m getting Caryn from Palau vibes, mixed with Holly from Nicaragua. Quite the combo, I know. Despite her very outgoing nature, which may scare some of her tribemates, I think Katrina will bring a strong work ethic around camp and strength in challenges not always seen by the older contestants. She seems like a very positive person, and with the conditions of living on that island, a little positivity never hurt anybody. But to be fair, there’s a difference between positivity and Wanda-tivity. Never go full Wanda-tivity.

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17. Katrina

“I Like to focus on the power of love,” you say. Unsure if awesome person or if megafan of 1980’s hit machine Huey Lewis and The News, although those two things are not entirely mutually exclusive. Anyway, you may be a relic from a Survivor season gone by–old-school casting in a new-school world. Though I have no reason to doubt you can hack it physically, I think you’ll have a hard time not being the outsider, and you’ll be the first one to go if you end up at tribal. I do think your tribe seems poised to do well in challenges though, so hopefully for your sake you’ll be well entrenched by the time you do end up there.


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18. Lauren

Sure, Lauren doesn’t seem like the winner type. But Lauren seems relaxed. She seems strong. She won’t rock the boat. She’ll come to you to find out where the vote is going and move on with her day. But it is concerning that she seems so willing to turn anything into a lie. If you’re going to lie, you need to be able to sell that lie and sell it good. If anyone thinks Lauren sounds sketchy, do we think she’ll be able to talk her way out of it? Can’t say I do. I, unfortunately, feel like Lauren will struggle to fit in. If we see her tribe vote with the classic-Survivor strategy of eliminating the “weakest” player first, Lauren won’t have time to catch even one fish before her torch is snuffed and we listen to the final chapter of First One Out explaining her downfall.

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18. Lauren

Ah, Lauren. Though your crab blood pumps through my heart, your tribe is like Forrest Gump’s shrimp boat Jenny when he (FORREST GUMP SPOILER ALERT) dove headfirst off of it in sheer elation after seeing a legless Lieutenant Dan waiting for him on the dock smoking a Black & Mild like the Hero he was. Anyway your tribe seems destined to careen off course, and unfortunately, you may be chum in the water for some of these sharks. Also, maybe don’t lie about fishing for a living, that’s a great reason to keep you around! I hope you find your sea legs and are able to stick around. You come across as a true survivor, and there should be more Survivors like you. But something tells me your tribe is going down, and you with it first.



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