Big Brother 19

RHAP Big Brother Power Rankings: Week 7

Matt Liguori ranks the houseguests each week with his own guest for RHAP’s Big Brother Power Rankings. This week Matt is joined by Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X‘s Will Wahl. If you’re looking for more Will, you can find him competing on the Ohio State University fan-made Survivor, Survivor: Time & Change, coming soon to YouTube.


  • Power Rankings will contain information from the live feeds. If you are only watching Big Brother 19 episodes and consider information from the feeds to be spoilers, come back after watching the episode on Wednesday night (or Thursday night, if you want to play it extra safe).
  • If reading on a cell phone, rotate your device horizontally to read the rankings side-by-side. However, this may not work for some devices with smaller screens.

RHAP Big Brother Power Rankings: Week 7

At last, it seems somebody will be leaving the house this week. We hit the halfway mark this week, but the house still seems pretty full. With jury likely to start at any moment, the game should only intensify and those already going crazy may just completely lose it.

This week, I tried to get Dr. Will to join me to break down the houseguests and rank their games, but he was busy. So I got the next best Will, from Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X, Will Wahl! Follow Will (@window2wahl) and myself (@mattliguori) on Twitter, tweet us what you think, and leave a comment down below!

Nobody went home last week… again. So we can get right into things. 


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1. Paul   minus Same

Another week down, and it seems that Paul has made the jury. He successfully avoided being “Neda-ed” and going out right after his immunity was up (or going out in any of the next three evictions after his immunity was up). Paul is entering this next phase of the game with everything he could’ve asked for. He has more than enough allies who want to bring him far into the game. He’s continued his strategy of planting seeds to create bigger targets in front of him each week, and it’s yet to end poorly. His strong game has been acknowledged here and there by his fellow houseguests, but what good is that if nobody’s going to take action against him?

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1. Kevin

When doing my preseason draft I was going to choose Kevin as my winner pick… Last minute, I switched to Cameron… Yeah, I know.  Now it’s time to do right by Kevin by putting him at number 1 on this week’s ranking.  I think Kevin has done an amazing job of playing both sides of the house.  Yes, his whole, “Let’s work with Cody” idea has pissed off a few houseguests (mainly Paul) but I think Paul will get over it.  Everyone likes Kevin, and they don’t see him as an actual threat, but I do believe that Kevin is paying attention and may be a threat in some memory comps down the road.  Look out for Kevin. He’s the dark horse in this game.


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2. Kevin   green-arrow1

Kevin’s game is really on the rise. He’s starting to think and plan ahead on the next level. He’s pushing his agenda on his allies just softly enough where it’s not putting anybody off, but it’s effectively influencing them. Earlier in the week, we heard from Jessica and Cody that they would vote for Kevin if he reached the final two, and they’re probably not the only ones. Kevin’s proving he isn’t our typical older houseguest, who gets dragged along in the game to a losing spot on finale night. He has game in him and he’s using every asset he can to take control and become a real power player.

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2. Jason

If Kevin doesn’t win… I think the rodeo clown has a great shot.  Jason is very likable and it doesn’t appear that he is on anyone’s radar.  People want to target Alex before they even think of putting Jason up.  And when Christmas and Paul begin to target each other, people like Jason and Kevin will be square in the middle, which is the best place to be deep in the game.


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3. Jason   red-arrow1

It’s been a quiet week for Jason, which is great for his game at this point. He’s completely off everybody’s radar.

Jason is a big part of how this week will play out. He controls Alex’s vote. As much as everyone thinks Paul does, I’m sticking with my gut that Alex will vote however Jason tells her to. Jason, Kevin, and Alex will likely decide who goes home this week. They’re comfortably in the middle of the house and have a big decision to make. They’ll probably stick with Paul and follow his wishes, but it won’t be long before this crew decides to break apart and declare war on the powerful vet. Overall, Jason’s come a long way from being the outsider in week two (best known for breaking Thanksgiving’s foot).

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3. Christmas

All right, hear me out on this one.  I know a lot of people are going to give me flack for putting Christmas this high up on the list after flip-flopping on multiple decisions this week.  However, she also showed some crucial awareness in the game.  She knows that Paul is running the show, and even went as far as to plant seeds in Josh’s head.  This will be crucial when she decides to make her move.

I think that Christmas kept flip-flopping this week because she was concerned that she was making a move on Paul too early.  And to be honest, it is too early.  If you are going to take a shot at Paul, wait until you have the numbers to get Paul out.  Now while I will agree that she made the wrong decision by playing the ring of replacement, she ultimately made two great moves by waiting to make her move on Paul and by getting Josh on her side.  I think a Christmas vs. Paul war is coming, and I believe Christmas set herself up nicely to take that shot.


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4. Matt   minus Same

Matt’s also had a quiet week. He avoided again the block by simply suggesting that somebody else (Raven) go up even though “he doesn’t mind” if he does. It’s pissing a lot of people off that Matt has yet to participate in an actual game action, whether it be winning a competition or being on the block. They feel like he’s skating by and not doing anything, which is solid strategy, but aggravating to his allies who have been winning competitions and being pawns, keeping Matt’s game safe. He needs an HoH or a PoV win to make some kind of move and get this attention off his back, evict a useless player or a common target, and keep marching forward.

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4. Paul

There has been a long debate over whether Paul is the next Derrick or Paulie.  I am definitely in the Paulie camp– I just think Paul has a better social game that will keep him in much longer, but I do have to give Paul credit. Everyone wants Paul in the final 5 and 6 (except Cody).  He has so many options to get to get to that point, but then I believe someone (most likely Christmas) will take him out.


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5. Josh   green-arrow6

Josh’s stock rising after his HoH week? No, that can’t possibly be. We expected a Josh HoH to be messy, loud, pots and pans, power trip, off the walls and more, right? Josh really kicked into serious game-mode this week once he realized he had the power to advance his game any way he’d like. He’s shown us he’s willing to separate from Paul and play his own game. Unfortunately for him, he may still be seen as expendable, but this week is solidifying his bonds with Christmas and the Jason/Kevin/Alex trio. He is nowhere near the biggest target and has cushioning all around him. I’m impressed?

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5. Josh

Josh is Christmas’ best weapon against Paul. She has begun to plant seeds in his head and he is buying it.  I think that he is the perfect pawn for both of these players.  I also think that his social strategy improved tremendously this week… To be honest, I like Josh a lot more without the pots and pans and meatball references.  With that being said, I think he has burned far too many bridges to ever win this game, which is why he is not higher on this list.


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6. Alex   green-arrow3

Alex hasn’t been doing anything to put herself in a bad position, but she’s continued to make zero progress trying to put herself in a good one. She’s the easiest option for a lot of people to nominate in the coming weeks because she’s seen as a strong competitor and doesn’t have close enough ties to keep her off the block. If she can continue lying low, she may be able to sneak by a little longer, but her game could end at a moment’s notice in the coming weeks.

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6. Cody

Cody is a competition beast.  If there is a battleback during jury then it doesn’t matter if Cody gets evicted next week, because he will just return a few weeks later.  Not to mention Kevin has seemed to take a real liking to Cody.  I think Cody will be there deep into the game as he may just be the perfect goat for someone like Kevin.  His social game is so awful that it prevents him from winning.  Even if he won every HOH and POV for the remainder of the summer, I still don’t see him winning a jury vote in the end.


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7. Christmas   red-arrow2

What a disappointing week for Little Miss Scooter. I wish we could get an exit interview with her this week just to find out what the hell she was thinking by wasting her Ring of Replacement while her closest ally in the house is HoH. Is getting out Jess really THAT important to you right now? She wasn’t coming after you! I just don’t understand.

There’s a whole lot of game left in this season, and Christmas has a good chance of seeing most of it. She had a powerful advantage that she didn’t need to play anytime soon, and she completely wasted it.

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7. Alex

There was a time where I thought Alex could win this game… That’s long gone.  The only reason she is this high on my list is that everyone else is so much worse than she is.  She has managed to become just another one of Paul’s minions and Paul will never let her get anywhere near the end.  It’s unfortunate; she had such a strong start but is on a downward spiral.


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8. Elena   red-arrow1

The worst possible person to win HoH this week for Elena’s game turned out to be Josh, which I didn’t see coming. It really does feel like a Mikayla/Brandon Hantz Survivor: South Pacific situation, where Josh wants to get Elena out because she’s a distraction to him. The three women sitting on the block this week are all targets in different ways, so if Elena wants to stick around, she needs to ensure that the swing votes (Jason, Kevin, and Alex) are all comfortable with her enough to block Josh’s wishes to get her out.

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8. Matt

Let me just start off by addressing Reddit and thanking them for the Matt and Will (Cereal and Milk) memes. They are hilarious and it gives me a reason to root for Matt even though he doesn’t really do anything.  A lot of people have been discussing their dissatisfaction with Matt, and more specifically Raven, this week.  However, I think that there are plenty of bigger targets ahead of him, including his showmance.  I think we’re going to see a few more weeks of Matt eating cereal this season.


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9. Mark   green-arrow

Mark won another competition this week, which (to the surprise of nobody) is showing us that Mark will be a big threat in the upcoming competitions. As he remains on the outs, I think his best bet is to cling to Paul and try to be the loyal soldier that perhaps Josh was supposed to be. There’s no room to hide when you’re the biggest guy in the house, but behind the most powerful player is a good place to start.

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9. Mark

I like Mark… but he is not long for this game.  I don’t even know what to say about him… He is too emotional and on the wrong side of the numbers.  I do think he did a decent job of downplaying the target on his back this week, but overall I just don’t see a way for him to make a comeback.


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10. Cody   green-arrow2

Like Mark, Cody’s ability to win competitions is coming into play big time. Cody found a way to stay alive another week in this game, but he may lose his girl. How he moves forward without her will be telling, but the target isn’t ever coming off of his back. Luckily, Kevin’s offered him an in. If Cody accepts, with or without Jess in the house, he has an opportunity to make something happen.

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10. Raven

If it wasn’t for the awful gameplay by Jessica and Elena this week, then I would have put Raven in last.  Not only has her recent behavior started to make houseguests and fans doubt her “sweet southern girl” persona, but then she volunteered to go on the block!  That’s just a no-no in this game.


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11. Jessica   red-arrow5

Shout out to the rest of #Jody-nation. I’ve been an unapologetic fan of the Jess and Cody duo, despite how hard they’ve been making it to continue rooting for their success. It’s hard to continue having faith in these two when Jess is likely to go home and they’ve essentially given up. It’s been an extra stressful house to live in this year, but Big Brother isn’t an easy game, and at this point, it doesn’t seem like Jess is fighting for her spot. There’s still time before Thursday for her to try to turn things around, but I’m not sure it’ll happen. It’s time to put on a fake smile and make some deals. Now or never.

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11. Elena

I’m conflicted with Elena… On the one hand, she has Paul in her corner… but I also believe that Paul’s reign of power is coming to an end… and there are a lot of people who want Elena out.  Paul may have saved her this week, but I don’t think she will be that lucky in the future.


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12. Raven   red-arrow4

I know everybody is sick of hearing about Raven’s 36 diseases. I get it. But death isn’t something to joke about, and Raven’s shot to win Big Brother… is dead.

While it seems like an obvious choice as to who will be evicted Thursday, truthfully any of these three nominees could go. Raven actually seems like the least likely of the three to leave, but the player ranked last doesn’t always have to be the person leaving. Raven’s game has been on the decline, and with her and Matt being seen as useless, expendable allies who haven’t had to play the game at all, this isn’t a great week for her to be on the block!

She’s turned from a sympathy case to a goat. Nobody would vote for Raven to win at this point because she annoys everybody and isn’t taken seriously. She’s a sitting duck in a completely powerless spot with no chance to win.

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12. Jessica

Jessica is certainly entertaining.  She speaks her mind and refuses to conform to the majority… This is also what makes her a terrible BB player.  I still will never understand her decision to not drop Cody after his horrific HOH week 1.  Not to mention her telling Cody not to play in last week’s Temptation Competition was also a bad decision. The way I see it is that Jess and Cody are both half-good players.  Together they should make one good player, but instead, they both make one bad player, and this week Jessica will finally pay the price for both their bad decisions.



Matt’s Power Rankings by Week


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