Big Brother 19

RHAP Big Brother Power Rankings: Week 6

Matt Liguori ranks the houseguests each week with his own guest in RHAP’s Big Brother Power Rankings.  This week Matt is joined by Colin Stone. Colin can be found over on the Dom and Colin Podcast , currently covering Big Brother 19 and Game of Thrones, in addition to a full re-watch series on Big Brother 7 (All Stars).


  • Power Rankings will contain information from the live feeds. If you are only watching Big Brother 19 episodes and consider information from the feeds to be spoilers, come back after watching the episode on Wednesday night (or Thursday night, if you want to play it extra safe).
  • If reading on a cell phone, rotate your device horizontally to read the rankings side-by-side. However, this may not work for some devices with smaller screens.

RHAP Big Brother Power Rankings: Week 6

Halting Hex rise, Power Rankings dies? Nah. We’ll keep rolling through over here while the house moves towards another non-elimination leg, if you will. It’s been tough getting people out of this house, as the total number of houseguests seems to only decrease every other week these days. Follow Colin (@colinstone) and myself (@mattliguori) on Twitter, tweet us what you think, and leave a comment down below!

Last week, Ramses was sent back to the online BB streets.


The downside here is that I don’t have much to talk about when it comes to Ramses’ game. The upside is that Ramses went out pre-jury and the more driven players are all one step closer to making jury. I really want to support superfans that make it into the house and get their chance to compete, but I also want a fun and strategic game, and Ramses unfortunately, wasn’t providing much of anything. He wasn’t able to secure any allies in the game besides Jillian. He wasn’t able to lead Jessica to the light and tell her the very obvious reasons she should’ve taken him off the block last week. He wasn’t able to make any kind of mark on the game. But, it seems like he’s walking away with his head held high, and I hope he enjoys watching the rest of this season play out as much as we will.


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1. Paul   minus Same

Gaaaaaah. Paul’s game has been messy from the start, right? I keep trying to remind myself these are POWER rankings, and the one guy who still has the most power in the house is undeniably Paul. While he continues doing such a great job of throwing out bigger targets in front of him (most recently Mark and Elena), he continues to use the numbers he’s put together to control the house. This isn’t a great week for Paul, as Jess will use her Hex and cancel any chance of Paul moving forward with his team. But until any of Paul’s allies/dogs/minions begin to actually consider turning on him, it’ll be hard to rank Paul any lower than the top spot.

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1. Kevin

He’s already defied conventional expectations for the older guy archetype and seems to be totally off the radar for a long time to come. While my love for him may *slightly* impact my ranking, it really seems like Kevin is playing one of the best social games in the house, all without drawing much attention. Come endgame time, there’s no more valuable combination than the element of surprise and popularity with America. God bless Kevin. May his infinite wisdom guide us forever.



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2. Jason  green-arrow1

The week didn’t start off so great for Whistlenut; he lost the Temptation Competition and found himself on the block. He remained calm, laid low, and stuck with his group, which earned him a one-way ticket off of the block, as Paul used his PoV to take Jason down. Jason’s game is pretty steady right now. He should have no problem staying safe for another few weeks. His game sense is improving and he’s in a very comfy spot.

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2. Elena

Despite being left in the dark on the Ramses vote, Elena seems to be maintaining focus on the bigger picture, and simply keeping her eyes on the prize puts Elena solidly ahead of most of the pack for me. It’s way too early to be the frontrunner, and I think Elena is well-positioned to be part of an eventual #backrunner alliance a la The Exterminators, all while being well-liked enough to convert a win.


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3. Kevin   green-arrow6

As tension builds between the power players, Kevin’s game is quietly on the rise. The suspicion around Kevin’s motives has died down significantly. Kevin’s managed to maintain a relationship with just about everybody in there. Last week, he foiled the blindside by informing Jess that the plan might be “changing” from evicting Josh to evicting Ramses. If Jody had any power this week, Kevin would’ve been completely safe. Everyone Kevin brings information to is appreciative and sees him as a useful person to have around… for now, that is.

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3. Jason

Jason seems like the most genuine Houseguest in the cast, which is both endearing for America and I would imagine quite helpful for building trust in the house down the line. I’d like to see him hang back for a while, which he doesn’t seem interested in doing, but he looks to be safe for the time being despite playing a potentially over-eager game. Definitely in there with a shot.


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4. Matt   green-arrow3

Matt’s game is also on the rise. Like I said last week, Cody coming back into the game was a big help for Matt, who was starting to have a target formed on his and Raven’s backs. I maintain my stance on Matt’s game being well thought-out as he remains intentionally under the radar. His social game has carried him this far and as he continues hiding behind the biggest meat shield in the house, Paul, he has nothing to worry about. The problem is, looking ahead, if Paul can turn on Mark and Elena this fast, he can turn on Matt just as well. We’ll see if by then Matt’s able to gather a troop to fire back at Paul when the time comes.

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4. Matt

Matt is the Mendoza line for me where everyone above him seems to be in an actively good position and everyone below him would be better off shutting up and eating cereal 24/7. Matt definitely strikes me as the type who could convert a sneaky win once he starts socializing with someone other than Cap’n Crunch, and thankfully, he’s got another two months to make it happen. Big Brother is a marathon and I think Matt’s still getting warmed up.


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5. Christmas   minus Same

Things are looking up for Valentine’s Day. Not a single person in the house is looking to target her and she’s been strengthening her bonds with people on both sides of the house.

Paul’s crew seems like it’ll be a war between Kevin/Jason/Alex vs. Matt/Raven when they finally do split, and Jody/Marlena have bigger fish to fry than Christmas. The problem is that although she should be safe for a few weeks, she’s viewed as a weaker player for reasons beyond her control, and that could prevent a jury from wanting to reward her with $500,000.

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5. Christmas

Full disclosure, Christmas would be higher if she had two functioning legs, but it’s hard to rank her near the top when she’s unlikely to make the finals unless someone erroneously takes her there. The good news for Christmas is that Paul has a solid history of doing just that.


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6. Jessica   red-arrow2

This week has really not gone in Jess’ favor. Paul put her in a position where she has to play her Halting Hex; otherwise, she or Cody would (obviously) go home. It would’ve been great if she could’ve negotiated with Paul using the details of the Hex before nominations, but alas, here we are. Once Jess informed Paul (and the whole house) that she intends on using the Hex, it seemed like all bets were called off and Jess is now fair game because… boo-hoo, she didn’t make this week super easy for the majority alliance to slide right through to jury. Sorry gang, you’ll have to fight a little bit next week if you want a spot in the next stage of the game.

I still look at Jess as a strong player; she can hold her own in competitions and I don’t care what they’re saying right now, the house is not evicting Jess over Cody if both are an option to go home.

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6. Paul

While he still seems to be running the show and it’s hard to imagine him getting evicted next round, Paul seems to be flying impossibly close to the sun with so many weeks left.  Once Jody splits, it seems really hard to imagine a target bigger than Paul emerging, but not even Colin Stone is stupid enough to count out a vet.


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7. Elena   red-arrow 5

In the few weeks I’ve been doing power rankings, my ranking of Elena last week is by far the one that has changed the most between the writing and eviction night. Over the course of 48 or so hours, the target on Elena (and Mark) grew so massively (all thanks to Paul) that she almost surpassed Jody as the biggest target for this week. If Jess and Cody were unable to be nominated, the backup plan was for Elena to go up next to a “strong pawn” in order to get her out of the game. Meanwhile, Elena is still clinging onto hope that her alliance with the guy who was orchestrating this whole thing is just as strong as it’s always been. While the house continues to blow up, Elena should be able to squeak by. She really needs to find her footing, though, and stay woke to everything going on around her.

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7. Alex

Someone, please tell me if Alex is short for “Alexandra” or for “OMG, ALEX WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” because, based on my Twitter feed, it could go either way. As far as her prospects are concerned, Paul can’t get evicted soon enough. If she can hang on for the #backrunner alliance I think she’s likable enough to win. I’m just worried the immediate target is too big.


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8. Raven   red-arrow 2

Earlier in the season, Raven was ranked at the top because the houseguests had a generally accepted thought that nobody would ever evict, or even nominate Raven because of her condition. My, how things have changed! Everybody in the house and everybody watching is so sick of Raven that the second an opportunity arises to take her out, I absolutely see the houseguests taking it. Plus, they’ll feel less guilty about evicting the girl if she at least makes it to jury, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Raven gets the boot soon. Right now, she’s still firmly in the middle of the house, but her relationships are breaking apart rather than growing stronger.

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8. Raven

Raven was my number one contender not long ago but it seems like her southern belle cover is blown and she’s starting to get on people’s nerves. The days of “Let’s all let Raven get to the end and win” seem long gone and I’ve yet to see anything that makes me think she can do it herself.


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9. Alex   red-arrow1

If Alex can avoid Jessica winning any type of power in the next few weeks, she may be okay. Alex is on the bottom of the Paul-alliance totem pole. While it seemed a few weeks ago that Alex and Paul were a tight duo, Paul’s bonds with Kevin, Jason, Christmas, and Matt all seem a lot stronger, which has pushed Alex into expendable territory. Christmas seems to be over Alex, and Jessica hates Alex almost as much as Paul and Cody hate one another. The Alex-mist has carried her this far and isn’t a total lost cause, but it needs to be turned off and turned back on or something.

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9. Jessica

I’d be higher on Jessica if I’d seen her do one smart thing for the right reason this summer. While she’s in a potentially decent spot, it seems mostly due to good luck and goodwill from America, which makes me nervous about her long term chances. The halting hex and temptation competitions are both great twists for her game; I just don’t have faith yet that she can convert a win even if everything falls her way.


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10. Mark   minus Same

Let me start off by saying how much credit I give Mark (and Cody) for doing such a great job at keeping their cool this week. And yes, I say that having seen Mark charge at Josh to rip the pots and pans out of his hands. Like a few of his fellow houseguests, Mark has had a rough week. Josh hasn’t let up on tormenting him for a full 24 hours since the pickle juice/hot sauce incident. Mark winning the Temptation Competition did wonders in saving his game. Now, like Elena, he needs to sit back and let the rest of the house explode around him if he wants to avoid being caught in the crossfire. As much as he and Elena like hanging out with Jess and Cody, they need to stay away. If #Jody comes into power, sure, go hang out with them, but otherwise, stay on opposite sides of the house and stroke the hell out of Paul’s ego.

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10. Mark

While a lot of his actions have been understandable, it looks like the target has been painted on him to a lethal degree. Even being optimistic about his immediate chances, I have a hard time imagining Mark as deep in the game as final six or seven. Really knows how to rock a tank, though.


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11. Josh   green-arrow1

I love this guy. Josh is bringing the entertainment at a level I couldn’t have ever expected. His game is suffering tremendously because of it, but who cares? He doesn’t, so neither do I. Josh has zero chance at winning this game, but if he keeps this up, he could find himself $50,000 richer in just under two months. The path to getting there won’t be easy, though, because he’s become such a common house target for almost anybody who doesn’t want to get too much blood on his or her hands. Paul loves having Josh around to listen to his every demand, but when the possibility of losing Josh this week was mentioned, not even Paul seemed too distraught over it. I hope Josh sticks around for a while longer. This season is getting ugly, and we can’t afford to lose the circus’ new main attraction.

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11. Josh

An entertaining (for now) character that I *think* I’d like to see stick around a bit longer, but it seems like hes already taunted his way into a 50k maximum payout. Still, 50 grand would be a lot of spaghetti for such a meatball of a player. ZINGGGGGG.


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12. Cody   red-arrow1

It’s insane how one decision Cody made in week two has done so much damage that here we are in week six, and the entire house is performing circus acts to get inside Cody’s head and make him either self-evict, or inflict physical harm on another houseguest to have him expelled. Things have spiraled completely out of control as the entire house, sans Jessica (and Marlena to a lesser extent), are on board with doing whatever it takes to get Cody out. Paul has these guys terrified to live with Cody, let alone continue playing a game with him. Luckily for Cody, the Hex will save him this week. With more than half the house still in Paul’s back pocket, it would take a miracle and hours of work for Jess and Cody to turn things around and allow Cody’s second shot at the game to mean something.

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12. Cody

It’ll be tough to last too much longer when he seems openly prepared to tank his own game to keep Jessica alive, and while I appreciate that he’s been the driving force of drama this summer, there’s no way he can actually win. (Right?)



Matt’s Power Rankings by Week


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