Big Brother 19

RHAP Big Brother Power Rankings: Week 4

Matt Liguori rates the houseguests each week with his own guest in RHAP Big Brother Power Rankings.  This week Matt is joined by Big Brother 14 winner, Ian Terry.


  • Power Rankings will contain information from the live feeds. If you are only watching Big Brother 19 episodes and consider information from the feeds to be spoilers, come back after watching the episode on Wednesday night (or Thursday night, if you want to play it extra safe).
  • If reading on a cell phone, rotate your device horizontally to read the rankings side-by-side. However, this may not work for some devices with smaller screens.

RHAP Big Brother Power Rankings: Week 4

The game is picking up steam as we inch closer and closer to the jury phase, as well as the return of one of the first four evictees. Joining me this week is a man who has never been an evictee because he won the whole damn thing, Big Brother 14 winner Ian Terry! Follow or tweet to Ian (@TulaneTerry) and myself (@mattliguori) to let us know what you think and leave a comment down below!

Usually, this is where I’d take a look back at last week’s evicted player. This week, Ian and I instead ranked Cody and the other evictees based on their potential to do well (or likely do just as horribly) if he or she wins his or her way back into the house.


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1) Elena   green-arrow4

I love where Elena is sitting right now. With zero enemies and a house full of friends, Elena isn’t in danger anytime soon. I’ve been saying how she’s surrounded by big targets and that’s only become truer as time goes on. If the other side wins an HoH, Matt and Raven seem like the most likely nominees; not once have I heard anybody suggest Elena’s name. Plus, her showmance’s other #1 ally is likely going home this week, which means Elena will get Mark’s full loyalty going forward.

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1) Jason

Whistlenut hasn’t been bucked off yet and it seems his game is back in the saddle for now. His position is looking pretty flexible for the time being and I have to give him huge props for lasting so long in the wall HoH competition given his stature. For that, Jason earns my top spot this week.


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2) Paul   green-arrow1

Paul’s game right now is messy, yes. He’s all over the place and causing a lot of controversy during a part of the game where he really doesn’t need to be. But laying low is not part of Paul’s plan for this season. Paul’s plan seems to be to use these few weeks of safety to set the game up in a way that once he’s eligible for eviction, he’ll have a clear path in front of him to maneuver his way through, regardless of who wins power (with the exception being Ramses, who Paul’s made zero progress with). If this were Mario Kart, Paul would be in the lead right now, dropping banana peels behind him every chance he gets. The problem is that once he gets to the next lap, there’s a good chance he’ll slip on those banana peels himself and his lead could disappear in an instant. Next week will be really telling, but I still have no reason to suspect Paul will “get Neda’ed” and go out the first opportunity he’s eligible.

If this were Mario Kart, Paul would be in the lead right now, dropping banana peels behind him every chance he gets. The problem is that once he gets to the next lap, there’s a good chance he’ll slip on those banana peels himself and his lead could disappear in an instant. Next week will be really telling, but I still have no reason to suspect Paul will “get Neda’ed” and go out the first opportunity he’s eligible.

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2) Jessica

I was surprised to see her rated so low in the prior week as she was basically safe as soon as Paul’s initial nominations came in. Jessica is set up for the classic Big Brother backgame that involves spinning your early peril into a flexible, straightforward, and solid position in the long run. I really like her position, though I think she might have a smaller target if Cody doesn’t make it back in the house.


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3) Alex   green-arrow1

I was really worried for Alex once she won the HoH comp. The one piece of advice I gave her last week (as if she could hear me) was not to win HoH. She was comfortably situated in the middle of the house. Alex seems like an actively bad player who happens to still be in an okay position. With Paul’s help, her target for this week, Dominique, looks to be going home with almost the entire house turned against her. Alex should be safe for a little while longer because she isn’t viewed as a liar or a snake (the word of the week). She’s still respected as a competitor and her newest target is one of her closest allies, Kevin, so why get rid of her? She’s going to be her own biggest enemy in this game, and if she doesn’t move out of her own way, nobody will be able to save her.

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3) Kevin

He’s getting a little bit too into the mix for my taste at this stage of the game. To reference the ski instructor from South Park, I’d rather see him pizza than French fry, but he’s not registering on a lot of people’s radar, for now. Here’s to hoping he keeps up the great stories and snazzy suits for live feed gold.


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4) Jason   green-arrow8

Jason is another below-average player currently in a good spot. He may be starting to understand the game and how it works, but I’m not confident in his abilities to stay on a steady path. He had a tough decision to make this week. His relationship with Mark is what tipped his decision not to use the veto. Jason seemed worried there may have been a bigger plan to take out Mark, and he wanted nothing to do with that. There wasn’t any bigger plan, but if Jason was right and he lost somebody he could potentially continue working with when he could’ve avoided it completely, he would’ve been kicking himself. If the Matt/Raven/Elena side wins the next HoH, it’s very possible Jason could find himself on the block. The relationships he’s formed with Paul, Mark, Kevin, Alex, and Josh could help keep him safe no matter what.

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4) Christmas

The foot issue must be a terrible thing to go through in the Big Brother House, but I feel like she should be able to spin this into a situation that helps her game. She should take a page from Jon Pardy’s book and play up her injury, sail to the mental competition-rich endgame, and ice it from there. She definitely comes off as smarter than the rest of her roommates, so I could see this happening for sure.



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5) Mark   red-arrow3

Mark’s had a pretty tough week in the house. First, one of his top allies, Dominique, is turned into the #1 enemy by their own alliance. Next, a plan is formed for Mark to go up next to Dominique to ensure she goes home. Then, once that plan is killed by Jason deciding not to use the veto on Jessica, Mark finds himself in a HUGE condiment war-turned-house blow-up with Josh. What started as two bros playing pool and joking around turned into a huge fight that may have done some permanent damage to Josh and Mark’s friendship.

Luckily for Mark, he’s still positioned fairly well. He was never in danger of going home if he did end up on the block next to Dominique. Mark just needs to find his footing and move forward with a new plan now that Dominique is being taken from him. If he allows Elena and Paul to continue controlling his game, he won’t be doing himself any favors.

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5) Elena

Out of the remaining showmance players, she plays the best by far. It’s like watching a less controlling and smoother Amanda Zuckerman navigate her way through the game. I feel like her game is definitely one of the more flexible ones, so if the showmance ship sinks (spoiler: it’s gonna), she has the best chance of playing the position into a win.


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6) Raven   red-arrow5

A big drop for Raven this week! I won’t say the drop is because of anything in particular that she’s done, but maybe because of what she hasn’t done. Others around her are on the upswing while Raven continues limping around the house and nesting herself in Matt’s arms. The idea of “nobody wants to target the girl with the illness” is still prevailing, but as the house gets smaller and Matt and Raven continue keeping to themselves, other houseguests are going to have no problem nominating the two people who are A) a showmance, and B) have no relationship with them.

Big Brother is a social game as much as it is strategic, and Raven hasn’t done a whole lot of bonding with her fellow houseguests outside of a select few. She’s merely existing… and cooking (badly?)… and doing her hair…….. and nothing else.

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6) Alex

Have to congratulate her on her HoH win, even though it was one of the most predictable wins in a long time. I totally dig how well she plays the competitions, but her openness about her targets in the early rounds rubbed me the wrong way. I do like the idea of what she has going with Paul, as it’s played well before. She just seems a bit too far out front for me at this point in the game.


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7) Christmas   green-arrow1

This week has been heavily focused on two things: people who are snakes/liars, and people who are stirring the pot. Christmas was on Alex’s radar as a back-up target if Dominique pulled herself of the block specifically because of her reputation as a pot-stirrer. If you can come back into the house after two days away, getting surgery on your broken foot, and still be considered a target when you come back in… you might need to adjust your game. Christmas has no physical game left; she’ll no longer be labeled a “strong competitor.” From here on out, the most likely way she’ll lose the game is by rubbing people the wrong way, and I’m not sure she realizes how often she does that. If Christmas continues talking to people like she’s their parent, scolding them for not being a good boy or girl, nobody will have a problem sending home the woman who theoretically should have a free pass to the end of the game.

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7) Ramses

He survived the block last week and doesn’t seem to have too bad of a position going right now. If he keeps his head down for a little bit longer and stays out of the fray then he’ll go far. I have to lower his ranking a little bit, because the fact he got the first curse reminded me of the terrifyingly creepy episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog with stolen slab.


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8) Matt   red-arrow2

What number is higher… the number of shirts Matt owns or the number of close friends Matt has in the house? Now, if you combine those two numbers, is it higher than the number of bowls of cereal he eats a day? No, right? I’m getting way off track, but there’s just not a lot to say about Matt. I honestly don’t think I know what his voice sounds like. Matt and Raven have continued to come up from a few players as next week’s potential nominees. As I said about Raven, as the number of houseguests gets smaller, the lack of genuine relationship Matt has with most of the houseguest is really going to bite him in the butt. He’s got the appearance of a strong competitor and he’s in a showmance, which is the perfect recipe for a successful target in any given HoH week.

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8) Paul

Now that his immunity is coming to an end, I could see problems developing for his game quickly. The next week or so is a big time hurdle for him. If he clears it, he’s long for the game. If not, he’s doomed. A little bit too hard too fast, so he may be meeting Neda for drinks in a few weeks to talk about where it all went wrong.



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9) Jessica   green-arrow4

I think and hope that Jessica’s game is on the rise. I also think and expect that if Cody comes back into the house on Friday, Jessica’s game could go right back down the drain. As much as Jessica might miss him, she better hope and pray that he doesn’t come back. She’s been mingling with the rest of the house since he left and is slowly picking up some of her old friendships. The problem is that these old friends, Elena and Raven (among others), are all onto Jessica only crawling back to them because she now has nobody else. But who cares? If they feel they can rope her in for the next few votes, that’s all Jessica needs to give her time to find her footing and potentially get something going once the jury phase starts.

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9) Matt

He may be blander than the corn flakes he’s eating, but I don’t think he’s doing terribly right now. The thing that he has going for him is that I could definitely envision him playing OTEV, which at this stage of the game is mainly what I’m looking for.


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10) Kevin   red-arrow1

I’ve been nervous that Kevin’s sneaky gameplay is going to come back to haunt him somewhere down the road; it looks like it may catch up to him even sooner than I was expecting. Two of Kevin’s closest allies, Alex and Jason, can’t take their eyes off of him. They know what he’s up to and Alex specifically is ready to strike. She’s going to take the first opportunity she has to throw Kevin under the bus and see him leave. While he may be adored by most of the house, it’s no secret to anybody that he’s always up to something. A winning game, this is not.

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10) Josh

I liked what he was doing for a while, but he just can’t seem to sit still in the game. Josh is kind of all over the place and seems to be an easy pick for a scapegoat anytime something goes wrong. I can’t see him lasting too much longer in the game here.


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11) Josh   red-arrow1

I totally get not being thrilled with hot sauce and pickle juice being thrown in your face, but the way Josh reacted to this incident was so over-the-top that he may have just secured his spot on BBOTT2. I felt like Josh was making some progress this week. His relationship with Jason has been growing and he was slipping into the background ever so slightly. Monday afternoon changed that real quick. At the end of the day, Josh is a loose-cannon ready to explode at a moments notice. What that means for his game, I’m really not sure. If Mark or Jessica win HoH, has Josh ensured himself to be their target? Or is nobody wasting

At the end of the day, Josh is a loose-cannon ready to explode at a moments notice. What that means for his game, I’m really not sure. If Mark or Jessica win HoH, has Josh ensured himself to be their target? Or is nobody wasting an HoH on Josh while there are still so many players in there who can’t see eye-to-eye, and want Josh on their side for a vote? Either way, Josh doesn’t have any kind of control over his game and although we’re so far from the end of this thing, if Josh does find a way to make it there, watching him try to convince a jury to give him the money will be hilarious.

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11) Raven

She may be this low on the rankings simply because I find her annoying on the feeds, but I don’t have much hopes for her game either. It seems that things aren’t falling her way in the house at this point, and her name was coming up an awful lot as of late. If she isn’t careful, next week, we could find ourselves saying “Nevermore”.


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12) Ramses   red-arrow1

The good news is that Ramses survived another week in the house. The bad news is that there’s still an entire two months to go. I think the only person in the entire world who is hoping for a Jillian return to the game is Ramses (although I guess Alex and Jillian’s family are probably hoping for that too). Ramses badly needs friends; Elena is not enough. Despite what the episodes are trying to show us between Ramses and Kevin, Kevin would cut Ramses’ throat in a heartbeat. Ramses’ name is still coming up from Paul as the next target even though Ramses hasn’t done anything to bother anybody since throwing last week’s veto comp.

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12) Mark

What happened? He was really high on my rankings last week, but this week he’s throwing condiments at his housemates faster than a rebellious middle schooler in a late-90s Disney Channel original movie. Way, way too out in front for me right now. If he can fall back more, I’d be interested to see how he plays out what’s left of his game.


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13) Dominique   red-arrow6

How did we end up here so quickly? I noticed last week that Dominique’s game was starting to slip from the strong start she was off to. I never would’ve guessed it could’ve ended as fast as it’s about to. The strange part is that I don’t think Dominique even really did anything wrong. Paul wanted to create controversy last week, which he started by having Kevin place a vote for Ramses. Add in Christmas’ vote, and Alex began her HoH week on the hunt for the two hinky voters, but more specifically for the people “stirring the pot.” Once Paul realized an opportunity existed to get out a strong player in his alliance while roping in the players outside of his alliance, he wisely committed. Dominique completely lost control of her game, simply having been outplayed. If she’s able to win her way back into the house, things could get interesting. Even Mark doesn’t seem to want to stick his neck out for her with the way things are going, so she really needs to rally or win some power if she wants to avoid getting re-evicted in another week or two.

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13) Dominique

Unless the Halting Hex makes its way into the right hands (if it’s even given out in time), she’s going to be heading into the Battle Back showdown. She was doing well for a while, but the needling for information became a little bit too obvious and got her into trouble that she just couldn’t shake.



Battle Back Competitors

This week, one of the evicted houseguests will win their way back into the game. We’ve got three completely different options available so far: one who didn’t get to play the game, one who didn’t seem to want to play the game, and one who tried to become the game.

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1) Cameron

I’m remaining positive for Cameron. This guy has been locked up for a month now, probably binging the crap out of a whole bunch of Netflix shows. If there’s anything he’s learned from ‘Orange is the New Black’ or ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ that he can apply to his Big Brother game upon returning, all the power to him. He’s a complete unknown. I have no idea how the players will receive him if he does come back in, but the unknown has me more hopeful than what we know Cody and Jillian have to offer.

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1) Cody

Obviously, he has the best chance of getting back into the game given his immense competition prowess so far this season. It’ll definitely make for an interesting show if he does, so I’m half-supporting him to get back into the game.


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2) Cody

There’s not a whole lot to break down when determining why Cody was sent packing. He took a huge shot with the first HoH, it failed, and he paid the consequences one week later. It’ll certainly be interesting if Cody finds his way back into the house. I do think it’ll ruin all the progress Jessica has made and could continue to make in her game, but I doubt she’ll be upset to see Cody again after a week apart.

Cody has said he would consider working with Paul if he gets to come back in, but what does that really mean? He’ll work with Paul for one week and try to get rid of Mark? Convincing Paul to change his game up and work with such an obvious house target won’t be an easy task. The game has been shaken up this week, but probably not enough for Cody to find his way back into everyone’s good graces. Toad-al bummer, I know.

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2) Cameron

My heart aches for Cameron: his eviction hit way too close to home for me as a nerdy superfan that had come before him. I literally threw up after premiere episode I felt so uncomfortable. Please get back in the game and go to work on one of the best story arcs the show has even seen!


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3) Jillian

What would a Jillian return to the house look like? Well turn your feeds on right now and just imagine another girl is in the house, somewhere off-camera, not doing anything entertaining or important. Jillian being evicted took special circumstances from an HoH gone rogue. She had zero allies, zero game, and in case anybody forgot.. zero DRs in her eviction episode. If she were to re-enter the game, I’m terrified she would stick around until the end because she’s such a non-entity.

Listen, I’m sure she’s a nice girl, but Big Brother is not the game Jillian was born to play. Maybe Checkers? Chutes and Ladders? Maybe Ian could teach her how to play Backgammon?

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3) Jillian



What do you think about our rankings? How would you rank the players? Let us know in the comments below.


Matt’s Power Rankings by Week


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