Big Brother 14We Know Big Brother

Five Questions for Britney Haynes After Her Eviction

This week Britney Haynes was the latest person to be sent out of the Big Brother house.  Before going off to the jury house, Britney was able to answer five questions that we sent in to her.  Here are our Five questions for Britney:

#1)  In your two seasons, you had two very rough exits from the house. Which one was the more difficult way to go out of the game?

Britney:  Season 12 was way more difficult. It seemed way more personal coming from those guys. Dan is on his game 24 hours a day and I knew that.

#2)  How upset were you not to receive Shane’s vote this week?

Britney: I know I didn’t get Shane’s vote – it’s frustrating but I couldn’t expect him to vote out his cuddle buddy. Who would sit in the bathroom and watch him Nair his chest.

#3)  How much did you feel like the events that happened this week came down to you being targeted by Dan vs. you just being collateral damage in Dan’s plan to escape from the block?

Britney: I think it’s a mix of both of those. Obviously, Dan is going to do whatever he has to do to get off the block. And at the same time, he wanted to get rid of me sooner than later b/c he was threatened by my loyalty to Ian, so it made sense for him to throw me under the bus.

#4)  In hindsight, do you regret voting out Janelle when you did and siding with the Silent Six and eventually the Quack Pack?

Britney: If there was any move that I do look back and wonder what could have been, it is voting out Janelle. I knew she was a force to be reckoned with eventually, but so was Frank. I am not sure if I totally regret it, but it is something that I think about.

#5) Did you give your allies any advice before leaving the game?

Britney:  I did. I told Ian to look out for Danielle, and I told Danielle to get rid of Dan.

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