Amazing Race 22Amazing Race

Amazing Race 22 Episode 6 Video Recap

Hi race fans! Eric Curto here with your Amazing Race 22 week six recap! This week starts off with an apology and ends with a tear. All teams are off to Africa for this leg of the race. Chuck & Wynona and Joey & Meghan “Team YouTube” are at the back of the pack and need to claw their way back to the top. Don’t even get me started with the scorpions, and in what seems to be the start of a joke I ask… how many bushman and blondes does it take to start a fire? No idea, well lucky for you I’m here to break it all down. Of course I’ll tell you who is in, who is out (if anyone) and all the drama as well. You may have watched The Amazing Race already, but you haven’t seen my comedic take on things. So sit back, relax and get ready for your recap!

Want to get involved with the recap? Then chat with me during the show over on twitter @RealityRecaps or in the comments section below and your questions, comments or suggestions could make the next recap video!

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