Big Brother 22

What Big Brother 22 Houseguests Should Have Learned

What Big Brother 22 Houseguests Should Have Learned

There are many things that Big Brother contestants should have known before they set foot in the house that will have them on camera 24 hours a day, seven days a week. After all, each year for the past couple decades, this season’s players could have spent their summers (and one Spring) watching every move of previous houseguests and thinking about what they could – or should not – do. Not to mention that since these are all returning players, they’ve all been in the game already, in some cases multiple times! Over the course of the past 21 seasons of Big Brother, producers have changed up the twists and even the rules at times. But it should be obvious that contestants need to learn certain strategic rules of their own to play by. Sure, sometimes the rules are broken and a person succeeds, while other times somebody may play arguably the best game other than a few key pieces and lose out. But it’s still best to play it according to these rules in order to give yourself the best chance to win.

David Bloomberg extrapolates his seven basic Survivor rules to explain What Big Brother 22 Houseguests Should Have Learned:

1) Scheme and Plot

2) But Don’t Scheme and Plot Too Much/Keep Your Scheming Secret/Don’t Backstab Until You Absolutely Need To

3) Be Flexible!

4) Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You

5) Pretend To Be Nice/Play the Social Game – Act Like an Adult/Don’t Drink Too Much/Don’t Be Lazy or Show Your Bad Habits/Keep Your Politics and Controversial Beliefs To Yourself

6) Don’t Be Too Much of a Threat

7) Trust (Almost) Nobody

Appendix A: The Jury Phase


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