Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Post-Season | May 11, 2021

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Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Post-Season | May 11, 2021

It’s an all-new season of Big Brother Canada and the Roundtable has returned! Each Tuesday night, Taran Armstrong (@ArmstrongTaran) and Melissa Deni (@itsmelissaaa) will be joined by a rotating guest to discuss the past week in Big Brother Canada. After running down all of the latest advancements, they’ll update the weekly stock watch.

It’s the post-season of the Big Brother Canada 9 Tuesday Roundtable, and this week Taran and Melissa are joined by Phil Thompson (@listenupphilip).

How are your favorite Houseguests doing on the stock watch? What are your predictions going into the Wednesday night episode? As always, please share your thoughts with us on Twitter by tagging @RobHasAPodcast and using the hashtag #RHAP!

Looking for more Big Brother Canada Roundtables?

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 1 | Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 2 | Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 3 | Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 4 | Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 5 | April 6, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 6 | April 13, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 7 | April 20, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 8 | April 27, 2021

Big Brother Canada 9 | Roundtable Week 9 | May 4, 2021

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