Big Brother Canada 9 | Episode 28 Recap Wednesday 5/5
Big Brother Canada is back, and that means your RHAP podcasters will be back all season long to document the series – from Live Feed Updates, to the Roundtable, to episode recaps.
Tonight, another all-star panel of RHAP podcasters has assembled to recap the Wednesday 5/5 penultimate episode of Big Brother Canada. Taran Armstrong (@ArmstrongTaran) dives into episode 28 with Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType) and Aysha Welch (@AyshaLikeAsia).
Which players are standing out to you so far? Who do you see making it far this season? As always, head on over to Twitter to share all of your Big Brother thoughts and opinions with us by tagging @RobHasApodcast and using the hashtag #RHAP!
This season’s Houseguests include:
- Austin Dookwah
- Beth Bieda
- Breydon White
- Ethan Quance
- Jedson Tavernier
- Josh Farnworth
- Julie Vu
- Kiefer Collison
- Latoya Anderson
- Rohan Kapoor
- Tera Gillen-Petrozzi
- Tina Thistle
- Tychon Carter-Newman
- Victoria Woghiren
To learn more about each Houseguest and review their detailed player profiles, check out the following: Big Brother Canada Season 9 Cast
To catch up on all of our Big Brother Canada 9 content, check out our BBCAN 9 YouTube Playlist!
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Big Brother Canada 9 | Episode 25 Recap Wednesday 4/28
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Big Brother Canada 9 | Episode 27 Recap Monday 5/3