Rob Cesternino, Brian Lynch and Ian Terry are live to talk about the Big Brother Canada 2 episodes from Wednesday and Thursday.
In this episode, Rob and Brian start off with discussion on Ika shredding the letters and accepting $5,000 CDN. While Rob has mixed feelings about the houseguests being able to hear what Ika was saying, Brian is glad she spoke freely – even if she was “Topazed.” The decision to shred the letters had no effect of Ika’s position in the game. Rob theorizes the hypocrisy of the houseguests in the instance Ika gives them their letters and still votes her out. The two men appreciate Ika’s determination in the game, including Adel’s push for her to reform a women’s alliance.
Who will Canada nominate? Brian predicts Sabrina and Andrew, based on public opinion. These nominations could be changed with a veto winner like Kenny, who may be the third choice by Canada but the fourth choice would go up. The First Five’s power is dependent on who Canada nominates for eviction.
Rob wonders if Ika got “HOHitis,” from HOH one week then evicted the following week. Brian says her thought process for her nominees was to protect herself long-term. Rob is glad to see Ika humbled by the nomination and apologizing to Heather – a great cast choice for her personality, not her game play. Most reality TV contestants are bad game players and don’t make good TV, but Ika was an exception.
For Wednesday’s show and Ika’s attempt to rebuild the women’s alliance, Rob believes it’s futile as Rachelle wouldn’t play along. Brian notes Sabrina’s control over her, and her self-appointed title as this season’s “puppet master.” The Veto competition proved Heather had the better unitard and better strategy in her choice. Arlie was brilliant in the “Harsh Truth” challenge from Marsha the Moose in making the houseguests believe his stories. Sarah hiding behind the washing machine was an indication the First Five are starting to waiver and Brian thinks this could be the alliance turning on Sabrina – including Arlie and Sarah not flashing the first five sign.
Rob asks a hypothetical question – if the nominations are Andrew and Sabrina, will Adel use his veto power to replace a First Five alliance member. Brian thinks it’s possible, but Adel shouldn’t be forced to use the power if Canada’s goal is to break up the First Five. Ian Terry joins in the conversation to talk about his bait and switch moment as HOH– after opening Pandora’s Box, he was locked in a room with a video of Rachel Reilly and the other houseguests got videos from home.
The main discussion is on Canada’s nomination with lots of theories. Jon offended Kenny with a homophobic remark and bad cover up. The Have-Not competition shows Jon and Adel having lost.
Ian shares the same predictions of Andrew and Sabrina as nominees. Brian and Ian agree that Arlie is in the best position in the game, with Sarah and Neda being in perfect second-place positions.
Rob, Ian and Brian discuss topics like the Jon/Neda showmance and moments that are better than Ika shredding the letters. Both Brian and Ian agree the First Five alliance is better than the Nerd Herd from Season Six.
Tune in Tuesday, April 1 for a LIVE recap of Sunday’s Big Brother Canada 2 episode, featuring Alec and Peter from Big Brother Canada 1.