AJ Mass Reveals the 13 Archetypes of Big Brother 18

Rob talks to ESPN’s A.J. Mass, author of the books How Fantasy Sports Explains the World: What Pujols and Peyton Can Teach Us About Wookiees and Wall Street and the latest release Yes, It’s Hot in Here: Adventures in the Weird, Woolly World of Sports Mascots, about the Big Brother archetypes and they do their BB18 Fantasy Draft of the final 13 players.


The 13 Big Brother Archetypes (Ranked in order of the Archetype making Final Tribal) According to AJ Mass

13-Fresh Meat – Natalie
12 -The Ninja – Corey
11- The Cheerleader – Bridgette
10 -The Narcissist – Paul
9 – Old Reliable – Frank
8- Idiot Savant – Nicole
7- (BETA, Marriage of Convenience) – Zakiyah
6- Loose Cannon – Tiffany
5- The Diplomat – James
4- Captain Loophole – Michelle
3 – The X-Factor – Battle Back TBD
2 – The Mad Scientist – Da’Vonne
1 – ALPHA, Marriage of Convenience – Paulie

Rob and AJ’s Big Brother 18 Draft

After winning last summer’s Big Brother Fantasy Draft, AJ gave the first pick in the draft to Rob in the snake draft.

Draft Breakdown

Pick 1 (Rob):  Nicole
Pick 2 (AJ): Paul
Pick 3 (AJ): Michelle
Pick 4 (Rob): Zakiyah
Pick 5 (Rob): Paulie
Pick 6 (AJ): Frank
Pick 7 (AJ): Da’Vonne
Pick 8 (Rob): James
Pick 9 (Rob): Natalie
Pick 10 (AJ): Corey
Pick 11 (AJ): TBD Battle Back Person
Pick 12 (Rob): Bridgette
The scoring system awards:

  • 1 point per week advancing in the game
  • 2 points for being the last standing HOH
  • 1 point for winning the veto
  • 2 points per jury vote


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