Big Brother 2015: The 13 Archetypes of BB17 with AJ Mass


Rob talks to ESPN’s A.J. Mass, author of the books How Fantasy Sports Explains the World: What Pujols and Peyton Can Teach Us About Wookiees and Wall Street and the latest release Yes, It’s Hot in Here: Adventures in the Weird, Woolly World of Sports Mascots, about this year’s 13 Big Brother archetypes and they do their yearly Big Brother U.S. Fantasy Draft of the final 13 players.

There is a quick run-down and explanation of the 12 ideal personalities A.J. says you should have in any fantasy league, or any group of 12 and he lists them in reverse order of the likelihood of the personality archetype’s winning, while categorizing the remaining 12 houseguests into their respective archetypes.

13. Fresh Meat

12. The Ninja

11. The Cheerleader (or sometimes in Big Brother, the “House Mom”)

10. The Narcissist

9. “Old” Reliable

8. Idiot Savant

7. Part 2 or “Beta” of the Marriage of Convenience

6. The Loose Cannon

5. The Diplomat

4. Captain Loophole

3. The X-Factor

2. The Mad Scientist

1. Part 1 or “Alpha” of the Marriage of Convenience

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