Before the 90 Days Season 6 Ep 12 Recap | 90 Day Fiance RHAPup

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Before the 90 Days Season 6 Ep 12 Recap | 90 Day Fiance RHAPup

The Hot Mess Express is pulling into the station and ready to pick you up for another season of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Day! Your conductor Pooya is back on track with Jason Reed (@JayR1085) to recap season 6, episode 12! From, this week on Before the 90 Days: Riley attempts to reconcile with Violet. Gino is ready for a baby. Cleo seeks guidance from the stars. Nicola struggles to come clean to his family. Statler tries to repair her fragile relationship with Dempsey. Sheila’s son is wary of David.

Which couple had the craziest storyline this week? Share all of your 90 Day Fiancé thoughts with us on Twitter by tagging Rob Has a Podcast @RobHasaPodcast and using the hashtags #RHAP and #RHAPups!

Follow your host on Twitter for more 90 Day Fiancé fun: @Pooyaism

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