BB22 | Wednesday 10/14 Episode Recap
LIVE after the Wednesday 10/14 Veto episode of Big Brother All-Stars, another All-Star RHAP panel is here to recap the show. Tonight’s panel is hosted by none other than Rob Cesternino. Joining Rob is Live Feed Correspondent, Melissa Deni, RHAP Class of 2020 rising star, Aysha Welch, and Big Brother 15 winner, Andy Herren. Together, they walk through the episode, discuss the Veto competition, and make predictions about who will be evicted this week.
Who do you think will be evicted tomorrow night? If it is Memphis, do you think he’ll see it coming? Tweet all your BB22 thoughts and questions to @RobHasAPodcast and use the #RHAP!
Follow tonight’s panelists on Twitter:
- Rob Cesternino @robcesternino
- Melissa Deni @itsmelissaaa
- Aysha Welch @AyshaLikeAsia
- Andy Herren @AndyHerren
Get ready for Thursday night’s eviction! As always, we’ll be LIVE after the episode to recap it all!
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