BB22 | The Slop | Tommy Bracco
Rob Cesternino goes over all the leftovers on this new Big Brother All-Stars show, The Slop. Rob is joined by some All-Star guests to dig into week 9 of Big Brother season 22.
Joining Rob today is Big Brother expert and host of the daily Live Feed Update, Taran Armstrong, and Big Brother 21 player Tommy Bracco! Grab yourself a big bowl of Slop, get comfy, and chow down on the latest Big Brother treat, with week 9 of The Slop.
Plus, we’re in for an extra special treat today, as Rob and Taran will be conducting this week’s exit interview on the Slop! On last night’s episode of Big Brother All-Stars, Tyler was sent to the Jury House. Rob and Taran pose some tough questions to Tyler in this week’s exit interview.
Follow today’s guests on Twitter:
- Rob Cesternino @robcesterninorother, big brother 22, big brother all-stars, bb22, rob cesternino, rob has a podcast
- Taran Armstrong @ArmstrongTaran
- Tommy Bracco @TommyBracco
What did you think of last night’s eviction episode? How do you expect things to go this week? Who is playing the best game right now? Share all of your Big Brother thoughts with us on Twitter by tagging @RobHasAPodcast and using the hashtag #RHAP!
Hungry for more Slop?
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Big Brother All-Stars | The Slop | Kat Dunn; Ryan Pappolla