Amazing Race

Amazing Race 33 | Pre-Season Preview

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The Amazing Race is back for another season, premiering on CBS on Wednesday, January 5, 2021, at 9/8c. Leading up to this all-new season, your amazing race experts have reviewed the teams. Rob Cesternino is joined by Mike Bloom , Jessica Liese, and Dan Heaton as they review each Amazing Race team and make their Season 33 winner picks!

The Amazing Race 33 Cast:

1. Akbar & Sheridan

Relationship – Married Educators

Let’s start with Akbar Cook Sr (45) and Sheridan Cook (44), who are married educators competing in The Amazing Race’s 33rd season. They’re from Martinsville, N.J.

2. Anthony & Spencer

Relationship – Childhood Friends

Spencer Stone (29) and Anthony Sadler (29) have been buddies since childhood and will be competing as a team this season. They’re from Sacramento.

3. Arun & Natalie

Relationship – Father/Daughter

Arun Kumar (56) and Natalie Kumar (28) are the next two people on the list. They are a Father and Daughter that will compete in this season. They’re from Detriot.

4. Caro & Ray

Relationship – Dating

Caro Viehweg (23) and Ray Gantt (25) are a couple from Los Angeles and Toms River, New Jersey, respectively. This duo will also be a part of this fantastic season. They’re actually currently dating.

5. Connie & Sam

Relationship – Married

Connie (37) and Sam (39) Greiner, from Charlotte, N.C., are a charming married couple.


6. Kim & Penn 

Relationship – Internet Personalities

Mmhmm, this one’s interesting. We’re also getting an Internet Personality. Internet personalities from Raleigh, North Carolina. Kim (45) and Penn (47) Holderness.

7. Lulu & Lala 

Relationship – Twins/Radio Hosts

Marianela ‘Lulu’ (37) and Marissa ‘Lala’ (37) Gonzalez, twins from North Bergen, N.J., are radio hosts. And they’re coming up in this season.

8. Michael & Moe 

Relationship – Singing Police Officers

That’s what we were talking about earlier. We’re getting a Singing Police Officers this season. Michael Norwood (36) and Armonde ‘Moe’ Badger (42) are the Singing Police Officers from Buffalo, N.Y.

9. Raquel & Cayla 

Relationship – Flight Attendants

Flight attendants Raquel Moore (31) and Cayla Platt (30) from Chicago and Gulf Breeze, Fla. Isn’t this list getting interesting?

10. Ryan & Dusty

Relationship – Best Friends

Aww bestfriends! Ryan Ferguson (37) and Dusty Harris (38), are best friends from Columbia, Mo.

11. Taylor & Isaiah

Relationship – YouTube Sensations

Last but not the least, Taylor Green-Jones (38) and Isaiah Green-Jones (31), are this spectacular duo. The one we were talking before, YouTube Sensations from Portland, Ore.

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