Rob Cesternino and Jessica Liese preview the Amazing Race All-Stars Final Four and make their predictions on who will be moving on to the Final Three.
Jessica admits she is sad there are only 2 episodes left and has really enjoyed the season!
Rob and Jessica do a review of their predictions at the beginning of the season.
- Rob explains that his and Jessica’s predictions on Mark and Bopper were made up because they knew that Bopper didn’t actually race. This was done as Rob doesn’t like spoiling the show for viewers that listen to the podcast.
- Jessica had the Cowboys picked to win but wanted Dave and Connor to win (She doesn’t feel that way anymore).
- Rob and Jessica were both wrong on Jon and Jessica’s race. Rob and Jessica were also wrong about how Jen and Caroline have done this race.
- However, they were both very accurate on both Dave and Connor and Brandon and Rachel. They also had a very similar prediction on the Afghanimals!
Should the U-Turn only be used once?
- Jessica explains in Amazing Race Australia the racers vote for who should get the U-Turn. Both agree that this probably won’t happen on Amazing Race USA.
Are the Afghanimals still committed to the Accidental Alliance?
- Rob thinks they are but they just made the best decision for themselves in the game. Jessica doesn’t think they are as invested as the other two teams in the Accidental Alliance with the Brenchel hate.
Which Amazing Race All-Stars is better?
- Jessica says the first all-stars was the better season, but the team she couldn’t stand ended up winning. She feels any team that wins will definitely be better than Eric and Danielle.
Who made the best move of the season?
- Jessica says one of the best moves probably would have been Jen and Caroline convincing the Cowboys to give them the Express Pass.
Will Caroline & Jennifer get 4th place again – or can they make the Finals?
- This turns to discussion on all the teams beginning with least likely to come in 4th place to most likely.
Dave and Connor – both Rob and Jessica say it’s very doubtful they will be eliminated because they are a very balanced team and are very strong. Plus they have 2 other teams really supporting them in the race still. Rob says they are still a well-oiled machine. Dave is going to have to do more roadblocks.
Brandon and Rachel – Jessica thinks the story-arc has them going to the Final Three.
Leo and Jamal – though the leg injury happened – Rob feels that the injury probably isn’t as bad as it looks.
Jennifer and Caroline – Jessica feels the girls are falling apart and are most likely to go home in 4th place.
Will there be a memory task on the Final Leg?
- Jessica thinks there could be; however, it might be something a little less obvious.
Are Dave and Connor villains?
- Jessica doesn’t think they’ve gotten that bad of an edit and doesn’t think they are villains. Instead, they are getting a poor sport edit.
Has Brendon become the dominant member of Team Brenchel?
- Jessica says no way. While Rob says maybe Brendon has been a little more “driving the bus” as opposed to reacting to Rachel’s outbursts.
Do the eliminated teams from Final 6 onward run the race as decoys?
- Jessica says this does happen to help create confusion on how the race ends.
Where does this season of Amazing Race rank?
- Jessica doesn’t call it amazing, but okay – Rob says compared to the current Survivor it is not as good.
Are Brenchel more powerful now than Romber?
- Rob says it’s definitely a sure thing. He also equates Romber’s reality status to that of the Hart Foundation.
NEXT WEEK – MARIE (TAR23) AND MAYBE TIM will join Rob and Jessica.
If you are in NYC you can join Jessica at a Finale Viewing Party –
All this, plus even more questions are discussed tonight!
Show Links:
Amazing Race All-Stars Final Four Preview Show – Watch Rob and Jess make their picks for this season
Jessica’s Amazing Survey – Tell Jessica who you want to hear from
Special Thanks to Phil Gourlay for the recap of tonight’s show!
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