Amazing Race

Amazing Race 2014 Episode 7 Recap: When in Rome…

Rob Cesternino and Jessica Liese are back together after a one-week hiatus to recap this week’s edition of the Amazing Race. In the 7th leg of the Race it was John Erck and Jessica Hoel who were the latest team to be eliminated.

Footrace to the Finish

After Leo and Jamal figured out the answer to the clue, The Afghanimals shared their answer with The Globetrotters and John and Jessica.  Leo and Jamal made the other teams promise not to beat them and not to use the U-turn on them.  All three teams ended up in a frantic footrace to the mat with John and Jessica being the last team to arrive.  Phil Koeghan notes that The Amazing Race All-Stars has been filled with a number of photo finishes to the mat.  The three teams didn’t feel the pressure because they though Jen and Caroline still had to complete a speed bump from the non-elimination leg.

A Strong Night for Brendon and Rachel

After a fast start to the Amazing Race All-Stars, Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly had been in the back of the pack for weeks.  After surviving coming in last place during a non-elimination leg, Brendon and Rachel have now worked their way back all the way to the top notching a second first place finish and earning a trip to Australia.

Next Amazing Race Podcast

Join us LIVE on Monday night, 4/14 at 10 pm ET / 7 pm PT for our interactive Amazing Race 2014 recap with Tim Wiyninger from Tim & Danny and Brandon Squyres from Brandon and Adam in Amazing Race 23.

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