Author AJ Mass on How Fantasy Sports Explains Survivor

AJ Mass writes about Fantasy Sports for and is the author of a new book called “How Fantasy Sports Explains the World“. In addition, AJ Mass is a huge fan of Survivor and Reality TV and joins Rob Cesternino to discuss his thoughts on this season of Survivor and much more. On this podcast we’ll discuss:

– What did AJ learn from Yau-man Chan, Dreamz and Survivor Fiji about playing Fantasy Football?

– What does AJ Mass think of John Cochran’s decision to switch his vote from Savaii to Upolu at the latest tribal council? Based on probabilities, was this the right strategic decision for Cochran to make?

– Did AJ like the decision that Ozzy Lusth made last week? Was there any real strategic advantage to attempting that maneuver?

– How does the cast of Survivor South Pacific fit into the archetypes of the 12 types of people in your fantasy football league that AJ describes in his book?

– Who are the players that AJ identifies as the buy low candidates that may really be able to help your team down the stretch of the Fantasy Football season?

If you love Survivor, Fantasy Sports or both, you’ll really enjoy the first edition of Rob Has a Book Club!

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Show Links:

How Fantasy Sports Explains the World by AJ Mass on Amazon

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