90 Day Fiance | Season 10 Ep 6 Recap

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90 Day Fiance | Season 10 Episode 6 Recap

A brand new season of 90 Day Fiancé is among us, and Pooya is back as conductor of the Hot Mess Express to bring you the ultimate season 9 coverage of 90 Day Fiancé. Pooya will be back each week to recap new episodes and break down all of the craziness.

Together, Pooya and guest Sasha Joseph recap season 10, episode 6.

This week on 90 Day Fiance: Rob fears Sophie has left him forever. Anali rejects intimacy with Clayton. Devin breaks down in front of Nick’s family. Nikki overshares with Justin’s friends. Ashley worries Manuel is keeping secrets. Jasmine finds gloss in Gino’s car. (imdb.com)

Hop on the Hot Mess Express and ride out the season by subscribing to the 90 Day Fiance RHAPup feed!



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