90 Day Fiance: The Other Way | Season 5 Ep 5 & 6 RHAPup

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90 Day Fiance: The Other Way | Season 5 Episodes 5 & 6 RHAPup

How far would you go for love? Pooya (@Pooyaism) is joined by Mari Forth (@MariTalks2Much) to recap season 5, episode 5 AND episode 6 of 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. Fans of 90 Day Fiance have seen lovestruck foreigners make the big adjustment of moving to America, and now we’ll get to follow hopeful couples where it’s the American moving abroad.

In episode 5, Brandan discovers Mary’s lie. Daniele’s friends grill Daniele and Yohan about their relationship. Julio second-guesses his move to the Netherlands. Armando reveals old wounds. Tensions run high between Kimberly and TJ’s brother. And in episode 6, Yash tells Kimberly that marrying his brother will ruin everyone’s lives. Kenny and Armando are at a crossroads. Kirsten heads home, and Julio pinky promises to see her in three months in the Netherlands. Holly takes a self-defense class. (imdb.com)

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