90 Day Fiance | Season 9 Episode 5 Recap

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90 Day Fiance | Season 9 Episode 5 Recap

A brand new season of 90 Day Fiancé is among us, and Pooya is back as conductor of the Hot Mess Express to bring you the ultimate season 9 coverage of 90 Day Fiancé. Pooya will be back each week to recap new episodes and break down all of the craziness.

Together, Pooya and guest Kirstin MacInnis tackle season 9, episode 5. They take a close look at the couples we’ll be following this season, discuss their season predictions and give their 90 Day Fiancé hot takes.

This week on 90 Day Fiance: Kobe and Emily argue over her breastfeeding habits in front of her parents. Bilal introduces Shaeeda to his kids. Thais lies to her dad and travels to America. Kara’s family grills Guillermo. Mohamed meets Yve’s son.

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