90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After | Season 6, Episode 2 Recap

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90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After | Season 6, Episode 2 Recap

A brand new season of 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After is among us, and Pooya has a new co-conductor on the Hot Mess Express! Rob Cesternino jumps on the 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After podcast train to bring you the ultimate season 5 coverage. Rob and Pooya will be back each week to recap new episodes and break down all of the craziness.

Rob and Pooya recap episode 2 of 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After, “Indecent Proposal”, where Tiffany is at her breaking point and Natalie sends Mike over the edge.

Which couple had the craziest storyline this week? Share all of your 90 Day Fiancé thoughts with us on Twitter by tagging Reality TV RHAPups @rhapups and using the hashtags #RHAP and #RHAPups!

Follow these hosts on Twitter for more 90 Day Fiancé fun: @robcesternino @Pooyaism

This season’s cast includes: 

Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi, 

Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa,

Elizabeth Potthast and Andrei Castravet,

Tiffany Franco and Ronald Smith.

Plus three more couples.


Fill your day with more 90 Day:

90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After | Season 6, Episode 1 Recap


90 Day Fiance RHAP-ups
90 Day Fiance RHAP-ups
Reality TV RHAPups

Pooya Zand Vakili is joined by a panel of guests every week to break down all of the 90 Day Fiance shows on TLC.

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