90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 17

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90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 16

Pooya (@Pooyaism) is joined by Big Brother Live Feed Correspondent Melissa Deni (@itsmelissaaa) to breakdown everything that went down in part TWO of the Tell All.

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Fill your day with more 90 Day:

90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 16

90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 15

90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 14

90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 13

90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 12 / The Other Way Ep 14

90 Day Fiance | Happily Ever After Ep 11 / The Other Way Ep 13

90 Day Fiance RHAP-ups
90 Day Fiance RHAP-ups
Reality TV RHAPups

Pooya Zand Vakili is joined by a panel of guests every week to break down all of the 90 Day Fiance shows on TLC.

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