90 Day Fiance: Episode 2 of Before the 90 Days 5 Recap

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90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days | Season 5, Episode 2 Recap

A brand new season of 90 Day Fiancé Before the 90 Days is among us, and Pooya has a new co-conductor on the Hot Mess Express! Rob Cesternino jumps back on the 90 Day Fiancé podcast train to bring you the ultimate season 5 coverage. Rob and Pooya will be back each week to recap new episodes and break down all of the craziness.

Rob and Pooya recap episode 2 of 90 Day Fiancé Before the 90 Days, Season 5, where Jasmine’s jealousy rears its head. Memphis has a secret about her ex. Alina worries that Caleb doesn’t understand her abilities. Usman’s friends do not support his relationship with Kim. Mike’s friends believe Ximena is using him.

Which couple had the craziest storyline this week? Share all of your 90 Day Fiancé thoughts with us on Twitter by tagging Reality TV RHAPups @rhapups and using the hashtags #RHAP and #RHAPups!

Follow these hosts on Twitter for more 90 Day Fiancé fun: @robcesternino @Pooyaism

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